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Bulgarian Cooperation with KGB against 'Subversive Centers'

This document provides further details of joint KGB-Bulgarian measures to counter RFE and RL. It vaunts the effectiveness of Bulgarian regime counterpropaganda, claiming that it thwarted Western efforts to create internal strife in Bulgaria.

December 27, 1977

Letter from Sixth Directorate of Bulgarian State Security on KGB Support

This document from the Sixth Directorate of Bulgarian State Security thanks “Soviet comrades” for their assistance in combating hostile propaganda against Bulgaria. It acknowledges the role of State Security in publishing articles in the Bulgarian media “exposing” RFE and RL, and refers to joint Soviet-Bulgarian operations against Western radios.

December 30, 1985

Bulgarian Interior Minister Visits Moscow to Coordinate Activities against Foreign Propaganda Operations

This note regarding the results of the visit of a group of Interior Ministry officials to the KGB in Moscow contains a proposal to develop a coordinated plan to discredit RFE and RL.


Bulgarian and Czechoslovak Interior Ministries Plan to Cooperate against Foreign Propaganda

This document details a plan for cooperation between the 6th Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the 10th Directorate of the Federal Ministry of the Interior of the Czecho-Slovak Socialist Republic during the period 1979-1981 against foreign propaganda operations. Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty are singled out.

February 14, 1976

Bulgarian Interior Ministry Account of Meeting in Prague

A Bulgarian Interior Ministry account of the Prague meeting of Soviet bloc intelligence services on RFE and RL.

July 4, 1946

Report from DS Chief in Sliven Region on Disclosed Military Conspiracy

A report on the investigation of a political conspiracy, said to be organized by Metodiy Chavdarov, a colonel at the Sliven garrison. The arrested colonel and his accomplices allegedly conspired to overthrow the Fatherland Front government, once the Soviet troops leave the country.

February 10, 1949

Proposal for Counter-Intelligence Operation ''Traitor'' Against Yugoslav Agents

A proposal for the measures against the Yugoslav agents and their collaborators who, on Tito’s behalf, were allegedly working for the annexation of the Pirin Region by the Yugoslav Federation.

January 21, 1953

VGU Information on Activities of the Swiss, Belgian, Dutch and Swedish Intelligences Services

Report on the intelligence activities of some Western governments in Sofia. The report identifies the main areas of interest of the foreign intelligence services, names of some agents and names of collaborators.

March 25, 1955

Information on Turkish Intelligence Interest on the Uranium Mine Buhovo

Turkish intelligence agents are trying to gather information on the uranium mining in southwest Bulgaria. They believe that the extracted deposits are shipped to the Soviet Union for further processing and production of nuclear bombs.

August 20, 1968

Secret Decree of the Council of Ministers of the PR of Bulgaria for the Participation of Bulgarian Troops in the Warsaw Pact Operation in Czechoslovakia
