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January 21, 1963

Bulgarian Legation, Washington (Shterev), Cable to Foreign Ministry

In his cable to the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry, Ambasador Kiril Shterev reports information about expected US assistance to Greece in 1963. Shterev acquired the information during lunch with the Greek Charge d' Affaires, Counselor Kalougeras. Kalougeras also mentioned Turkey's possible entrance into the European Economic Community and inquired about US-Bulgarian relations.

December 27, 1962

Bulgarian UN Representative Milko Tarabanov, Report to Bulgarian Communist Party Politburo on Disarmament Negotiations

UN Representative Milko Tarabanov reported to the Bulgarian Communist Party Politburo recent developments of the Conference of the Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament. The report summarizes the conference's work from November 1962-December 1962, the period following the Cuban Missile Crisis. Tarabanov reports that Western powers put forward two draft agreements calling for the cessation of nuclear tests in the atmosphere, under water and in outer space, and underground--the proposals were debated during the 17th United Nations session.

The Cubam Missile Crisis occurred during the conference's session. Main issues discussed after Cuban Missile Crisis included: suspension of nuclear tests, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko's proposal at the 17th session of the UN, ways to measure nuclear weapons testing, and military alliances (NATO).

Tarabanov also addresses the inter workings of conference members--Western, socialist, and neutral--including disagreements among Western powers. In summary Tarabanov adds that the prospect for cessation of nuclear tests is poor, but notes that the US may consider closing military bases, though not under pressure of the Soviet Union or neutral countries.

October 27, 1962

Bulgarian Legation, Washington, to Bulgarian Foreign Ministry

The Bulgarian diplomatic mission (legation or embassy) to the US reported to the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sofia what actions the embassy executed and planned to execute to prevent seizure of documents during the "international situation," or Cuban Missile Crisis. Enclosed in the letter is an explanation of items destroyed and items placed under heightened security. The letter also includes information about security for the embassy staff.

June 22, 1971

Report by the Third Secretary of the Bulgarian Embassy in Pyongyang, Zahary Ianakiev, to Bulgarian Ambassador Yancho Georgiev Concerning Ceauşescu's Visit to China

Ianakiev gives an account of Ceauşescu's visit to China, mentioning China's agreement to lend Romania US$230 million and reporting that Ceauşescu's visit to Vietnam is to be postponed.

March 26, 1965

Minutes of Todor Zhivkov – Raul Castro Meeting in Sofia

Zhivkov lays out his perspective on the place of Bulgaria within the Communist Camp. He also talks about the Balkans and the rift between Bulgaria and Romania. Both leaders discuss the Chinese accusations of Soviet Revisionism. Raul Castro talks about the strength of the communist movements in Latin America and the prospects for successful social revolutions in Venezuela, Chile, Costa Rica, Uruguay, and Brazil.

July 21, 1958

Special Information from Gen. I. Mihailov Based on a RUMNO Report on the Situation in the Middle East

Bulgarian intelligence report on the developments during the 1958 Lebanon crisis.

March 29, 1955

Bulgarian Politburo Resolution B Regarding DS Intelligence Directorate Work

BCP CC’s First Secretary, Vulko Chervenkov, approves Interior Minister Georgi Tsankov’s recommendations for improving the performance of the intelligence and counter-intelligence services.

April 22, 1980

Minutes of Conversation between Todor Zhivkov and Hafez Al-Assad, Damascus

The two leaders talk about recent developments in the Middle East, US-Arab relations, and Soviet support for Arab regimes.

March 11, 1976

Minutes of the Meeting between Todor Zhivkov and Fidel Castro in Sofia

Conversation for the record between Zhivkov and Castro during a four-day-long state visit of the Cuban leader to Bulgaria. Among the main issues discussed was the state of economic development in both countries, their relations with Albania, China, Romania and Yugoslavia; the Cuban foreign policy in Africa and the Caribbean; the civil war in Angola; the battle for the Third World.

March 23, 1967

Bulgarian State Security Chairman Angel Solakov’s Report at a Bulgarian Communist Party Plenum

According to the State Security Committee chair, Angel Solakov, there has been a major shift in the policies of the West towards the Soviet bloc. While during the 1950s military face-off was often considered an option, in the late 1960s such possibility has been largely ruled out. Consequently the US and their allies in Western Europe are focusing their efforts on fighting socialism around the world through peaceful means, such as strengthening economic and cultural ties with the Soviet bloc countries. This calls for a change in the strategy of the State Security Committee intelligence operations. Solakov also reports on the anti-Soviet activities of the Chinese and Albanian intelligence services across Europe.
