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December 29, 1960

Summary of Talks between Prime Minister Zhou Enlai and Norodom Sihanouk while Driving to Nanjing on December 20th

Zhou Enlai and Sihanouk discuss the situations in Laos and in the Congo, commenting on the Geneva Conference on Laos and the role of the United Nations in resolving the Congo crisis.

November 26, 1960

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Report on the Matter of the Proposal by the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Workers’ Party to Neutralize Cambodia and Laos by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China'

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs summarizes Vietnam's response to a proposal to "neutralize Cambodia and Laos."

April 1960

First Asia Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Negotiations and Talks between the Chinese and Burmese Governments on the Issue of Dual Citizenship of Overseas Chinese over the Past Year'

The document covers series conversation transcripts between Chinese and Myanmar officials in the negotiation of the dual nationalities issues of Overseas Chinese, for example the transcript of conversation between Chairman Mao and Premier U Nu, the main points of first meeting between Premier Zhou and Premier U Nu, the transcript of conversation between Ambassador Li Yimang and Myanmar Foreign Minister.

January 30, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam, 'Phạm Ngọc Thạch Will Visit the Soviet Union and China to Discuss Cultural Cooperation'

After a dinner for musicians visiting China, the Chinese Embassy to Vietnam reports on a future visit by Ngoc Thach to the Soviet Union.

January 14, 1964

Cable from the Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee, 'Preliminary Consideration on Policy to Vietnam in the Year 1964'

Summary of policy priorities in Vietnam, including cultural cooperation with DRV, research into Vietnamese cultural industry, and translating Vietnamese literature into Chinese.

October 4, 1961

Report from the Foreign Visitors Office of the Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee, 'The Two Major Parties of China and the Soviet Union Have Some Different Opinions, and Vietnam Faces Difficulties'

June 29, 1954

Record of the Second Meeting between Premier Zhou and Prime Minister U Nu

Zhou Enlai and U Nu first talked about the decision made on the Geneva Conference regarding the armistice in the Korean Peninsula and the role of the US in it. Then they talked about the elements that complicated the Sino-Burmese relations and the need for building mutual trust and signing a non-political agreement. They also discussed the principles they would have in a joint statement before the signing of this potential agreement.

September 18, 1965

National Science Committee, Briefings on Receiving Foreign Guests, No. 1

Description of the first meeting between members of a special team at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the visiting Atomic Energy Group of the Indonesian Economic Delegation. The Indonesian delegation explains that the main goal of the delegation's China visit is to understand the status of China's research on atomic energy, making a number of requests to visit and learn about relevant atomic laboratories, nuclear reactors, and potentially send staff to research together with Chinese experts.

October 19, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia, 'The Message from Premier Zhou has been handed Handed to the Indonesian officials Officials'

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia describing the planned discussion between Ambassador Yao and Subandrio regarding China's first nuclear weapons test.

November 11, 1965

Record of Second Conversation of Premier Zhou Enlai and Vice Premier Chen Yi with Foreign Minister Pak Seong-cheol

Chen Yi, Zhou Enlai, Pak Seong-cheol, and Ri Ju-yeon have a detailed conversation about the situations in Indonesia, Algeria, Uganda, Mali, Guinea, and members of the Third World.
