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October 31, 1962

Cable from Li Jusheng, 'Report on Handing over the Letter of the Premier to Sukarno'

Li Jusheng reported to the Chinese Foreign Ministry on his conversation with Indonesian Assistant to First Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs Su-wei-duo. The exchange concerned efforts from Indonesia and Egypt to find an acceptable solution to the Sino-Indian conflict, several points from the Chinese proposal that was unclear to Indonesia, a remarkable absence of demands for the Western and Central sectors in Nehru's letter to Nasser, and the importance of not letting this dispute hinder the preparation for the next Asian-African Conference

April 3, 1957

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Main points of the Discussion between the Premier and Soekardjo Wiriopranoto'

Zhou Enlai and Sukazuo discussed the visits of high-level officials as well as the preparation for the second Asian-African Conference

April 22, 1955

Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China, Zhou Enlai’s Remarks at the Signing Ceremony

Zhou Enlai reemphasized the cordial relation between China and Indonesia and expressed his delight with the signing of the treaty.

April 16, 1955

Summary of the Talks between Premier Zhou and Nehru and U Nu

Summary of the meeting between the Burmese, Chinese and Indian Prime Ministers. The three wished that permanent economic and political institutions could be set up at the Bandung Conference but expressed doubt on that possibility and on whether these institutions could work as desired. Besides, Zhou Enlai proposed the issuance of a document to express the participants' common aspirations. The issue of the Five Principles was also touched upon.

April 3, 1955

Record of Conversation from Premier Zhou Enlai's Reception of Ambassador U Hla Maung

U Hla Maung and Zhou Enlai discuss the logistics of Zhou's travel to Burma, and U offers Zhou some gifts from the Burmese government. They also discuss a western plot to sabotage the China-Burma relations.

April 3, 1955

Minutes of Premier Zhou Enlai’s Meeting with Indonesian Ambassador Arnold Mononutu

Indonesian Ambassador to China and Zhou Enlai talked about the Ambassador's plan to accompany Zhou Enlai to Burma before coming to Indonesia for the Asian-African Conference. They also discussed lodging for the Chinese delegation in Jakarta as well as the principle of non-interference in other countries' affairs.

March 4, 1955

Minutes of the Meeting between Vice Minister Zhang and the Indonesian Ambassador Mononutu

The Indonesian Ambassador to China talked to Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Hanfu about the intended official visit by Zhou Enlai to Indonesia, the issue of dual nationality between the two countries and the nature of the Chinese delegation to the Asian-African Conference.

November 23, 1962

Cable from Wang Tao, 'Chairman Ho Meeting with Chargé D'Affaires Wang'

Ho Chi Minh, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Labor Party of Vietnam, discusses his views on the Sino-Indian border conflict and mediation methods employed

March 15, 1955

Cable from Yao Zhongming, 'On the Premier Passing through Burma while Participating in the Asian-African Conference'

The Chinese ambassador to Burma reported to the Chinese Foreign Ministry about the estimated itinerary and security conditions in Burma for Zhou Enlai’s visit.

April 4, 1954

Draft Memorandum, 'A Comprehensive Solution for Restoring Peace in Indochina,' Prepared by the Vietnam Group of the Chinese Delegation Attending the Geneva Conference

The Vietnam group of the Chinese delegation offers a solution involving peaceful unification within Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, so that these nations can govern themselves as independent, sovereign states.
