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March 6, 1963

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Romania, 'Some Reflections on Romania’s Approach to Combating Revisionism'

The Chinese Embassy in Bucharest reports on Romanian-Yugoslav relations.

March 5, 1950

Letter, Molotov to Zhou Enlai

Molotov thanks Zhou Enlai for the birthday wishes.

September 18, 1965

National Science Committee, Briefings on Receiving Foreign Guests, No. 1

Description of the first meeting between members of a special team at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the visiting Atomic Energy Group of the Indonesian Economic Delegation. The Indonesian delegation explains that the main goal of the delegation's China visit is to understand the status of China's research on atomic energy, making a number of requests to visit and learn about relevant atomic laboratories, nuclear reactors, and potentially send staff to research together with Chinese experts.

October 19, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia, 'The Message from Premier Zhou has been handed Handed to the Indonesian officials Officials'

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia describing the planned discussion between Ambassador Yao and Subandrio regarding China's first nuclear weapons test.

October 22, 1954

Abstract of Talk between Nehru, Chen Yun, and Vice Premier Li Fuchun

Record of conversation between Indian and Chinese delegations, on a wide variety of issues in China. Conversation covers the structure of Chinese government, management of the bureaucracy, handling of finances, and plans for improving education and productivity levels.

December 3, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Czechoslovakia to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Our Contacts with Middle- and Lower-Level Personnel'

The Chinese Embassy in Czechoslovakia reports that "people were willing to talk with us and listen to our opinions" since Khrushchev's fall from power.

October 18, 1964

Cable to the CCPCC International Liaison Department and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Reactions of Albanian Newspapers to Our Nuclear Bomb Test and Khrushchev’s Removal'

The Chinese Embassy in Tirana notes Albania's positive responses to China's successful nuclear test.

May 16, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Poland to International Liaison Department and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'A Few Polish and Czech Reactions to Our Second Nuclear Bomb Test Explosion'

The Chinese Embassy in Poland assesses the responses to the Chinese nuclear test among socialist countries in Eastern Europe.

September 30, 1965

Cable from Wang Guoquan to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Transportation, 'Renke Talked about Issues in the International Communist Movement and the Sino-Polish Relations'

China's relations with Poland are reviewed within the context of Soviet-Polish relations.

October 16, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Albania to the CCPCC International Liaison Department and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Albania’s Reactions to Khrushchev’s Removal'

The Chinese Embassy conveys Mehmet Shehu's comments on the removal of Khrushchev.
