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May 3, 1954

Memorandum of Conversation between Deputy Foreign Minister Zhang Hanfu and Indian Ambassador to China Raghavan Concerning Premier Nehru’s Statement on the Hydrogen Bomb

Zhang Hanfu and Raghavan discuss the hydrogen bomb and the Colombo Conference.

January 21, 1955

Cable from Liu Guanyi, 'Report regarding the Situation of the Asian-African Conference'

Report on Indonesian public opinion about the upcoming Asian-African Conference.

March 25, 1955

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia, 'What the United States is Doing to Indonesia prior to the Asian-African Conference'

Report on United States attempts to influence Indonesia and improve relations prior to the Asian-African Conference.

February 12, 1955

Cable from Huang Zhen, 'Discussion of Issues relating to the Asian-African Conference during the Meeting with Sidik'

The Ambassador to Indonesia reports on a meeting with Sidik Djojosukarto, the leader of the Indonesian National Party (PNI), regarding the Asian-African conference, Indonesian politics, and Sidik's possible visit to China.

November 15, 1954

Cable from Chinese Embassy in Indonesia, 'Regarding Reactions to the Asian-African Conference Announcement'

Zhang Qingfa reports on the Indonesian reactions to the Asian-African Conference, including a lengthy article by an Indonesian journalist promoting economic cooperation among the Afro-Asian countries.

January 8, 1955

Cable from Peng Di, 'Regarding the Situation of the Bogor Conference'

Peng Di reports on discussions at the Bogor Conference, including the status of the five principles of peaceful coexistence and inter-asian economic cooperation.

January 6, 1955

Cable from Peng Di, 'Third Intelligence Report on the Insider Situation of the Bogor Conference'

Report on the Bogor Conference, the nomination of countries to attend the Asian-African Conference and the issue of whether or not to invite China.

January 2, 1955

Cable from Huang Zhen, 'Situation Report of the Bogor Conference'

Huang Zhen reports the circumstances of the receptions and dinners hosted by Indonesia and his personal conversations with the Ceylonese premier, the Indonesian premier and the Indonesian foreign minister during the Bogor Conference.

December 31, 1954

Cable from Peng Di, 'Situation of the Bogor Conference'

Report from the Bogor Conference. The main issue of the conference was whether or not to invite China to the Asian-African Conference. The five principles of peaceful coexistence were also discussed and approved, but not published.

December 29, 1954

Cable from Peng Di, 'Brief Report on the situation of the Bogor Conference'

Brief report on the secret meeting of the Bogor Conference on the 28th. It was agreed to ask Indonesia to organize the Asian-African Conference in April the following year.
