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November 30, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'Memorandum of Conversation between Ambassador Shen and Foreign Minister Raúl'

A diplomatic meeting between Shen Jian, China’s Ambassador to Cuba, and Raúl Roa Garcia, Cuba’s Foreign Minister.

December 1, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Ernesto 'Che' Guevara and Chinese Ambassador Shen Jian, Havana

Ernesto “Che” Guevara and Chinese Ambassador Shen Jian discussing the outcome of the Cuban Revolution, especially in terms of how it reflected US-Soviet relations.

December 6, 1962

Memorandum of the Conversation between Cuban President Osvaldo Dorticós and Chinese Ambassador to Cuba Shen Jian

Cuban President Osvaldo Dorticós and Chinese Ambassador to Cuba Shen Jian discuss a wide range of topics, from The Selected Works of Mao Zedong to China's economic situation to American military interventions.

July 14, 1961

Memorandum of Conversation between Liu Shaoqi and R.K. Nehru

Liu Shaoqi and R.K.Nehru discussed agriculture and the people's communes system.

March 29, 1961

Memorandum of Conversation, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai Receives Soviet Ambassador to China Stepan Chervonenko

Chervonenko informed Zhou Enlai of the Indian invitation and the Soviet Union's decision to send its delegation to the Indian Communist Party's Sixth Congress

July 15, 1959

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria, 'Response of People in Various Circles in Bulgaria to the Dalai Lama’s Statement'

The Chinese Embassy reports on the negative reactions from various circles in Bulgaria to the Dalai Lama's statement

June 12, 1959

Chinese Report on the Response of Editor-in-Chief of Bulgaria’s "Banner of Agriculture News" to the Tibet Issue

Editor and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Bulgarian "Banner of Agriculture News" talked about the Tibet issue and showed their admiration for the People’s Daily article “Tibet’s Revolution and Nehru’s Philosophy.”

May 30, 1959

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria, 'The Bulgarian Deputy Defense Minister’s Reaction to the Tibet Issue'

Bulgarian Defense Ministry’s first deputy chief expressed his belief that the armed rebellion in Tibet was counterrevolutionary but urged China to be cautious in handling its relation with India

July 4, 1950

On the Return of Korean Nationals to North Korea

A Chinese Foreign Ministry report on the management of Korean nationals living in China during the Korean War.

July 1, 1950

Conversation between Indian Ambassador Kavalam Madhava Panikkar and Deputy Foreign Minister Zhang Hanfu

Zhang Hanfu and K.M. Panikkar discuss the role of the United Nations in ending the conflict in Korea.
