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September 10, 1959

Memorandum of Conversation Between Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zeng Yongquan and Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of the Soviet Union in China S. Antonov

Zeng and Antonov talked about the outbreak of conflict along the Sino-Indian border, a TASS statement regarding the issue made without incorporating Chinese opinion and the role of publicity.

September 9, 1959

Meeting Minutes between Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Hanfu and Ambassadors from Fraternal Countries on the Tibet Issue

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister convened a meeting with ambassadors from several countries to discuss the Tibet issue. Zhang accused India of trying to wage an anti-Chinese campaign, presented several documents and maps as well as explained the history of the dispute.

May 7, 1959

Ambassador Yudin's Letter to Zhou Enlai

The Soviet Ambassador to China expressed his admiration of an article regarding the Tibet issue in the People's Daily

October 21, 1953

Cable from Zhang Jingwu, 'On Issues of Relations between China and India in Tibet'

Zhang Jingwu reports on the Simla Accord and the McMahon line running between India and Tibet, and offers policy recommendations.

September 6, 1953

Cable from Ambassador Yuan Zhongxin, 'Minutes of Meeting between R.K. Nehru and Ambassador Yuan'

The Chinese ambassador to India reports that he and Nehru discussed Indian privileges in Tibet, the use of radios and guns by Indian commercial representatives in Tibet, and the issue of garrison relief.

June 23, 1952

Meeting Minutes between Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai and Indian Commissioner T.N. Kaul

Zhang Hanfu and Kaul discuss the Tibet issue as well as prisoners of war from the Korean War.

November 27, 1951

Meeting Minutes between Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Hanfu and Indian Commisioner T.N. Kaul

Zhang Hanfu and Kaul discuss the grain trade between China and India, the situation at the border following the PRC's incorporation of Tibet, and the arrangements for Zhang Hanfu to attend the International Industrial Expo in Bombay

November 24, 1950

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Report on Negotiations regarding the Tibet issue between China and India'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry reports on the Sino-Indian Negotiation over Tibet, and claims that India intends to interfere in the PRC's internal affairs.

August 7, 1955

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to Wang Bingnan, 'Talking Points for the Fourth Meeting'

Instructions from the PRC Foreign Ministry on how to handle the three Chinese proposals that had not been satisfied in the 3rd meeting: The request for a name list of all Chinese nationals in the US, the demand that the US revoke its restriction on the exit of Chinese nationals and students, the proposal that both sides entrust a third country to look after its nationals in the other country.

July 31, 1955

Cable from the Foreign Ministry to Comrade Wang Bingnan, 'On the Text of Speech, Instructions, and Points of Attention at the Sino-American Talks'

Several instructions from the PRC Foreign Ministry on how to handle the negotiations as well as two attachments regarding the text of speech for the first meeting of the Sino-American talks and the issue of news release during the talks
