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July 30, 1955

Instructions on the Sino-American Ambassadorial Level Talks at Geneva (Excerpt)

Instructions from the PRC Foreign Ministry to its negotiators at the Sino-American talks. These instructions concerned the PRC's basic policy, their attitude toward the question of expatriates, the US embargo against China, possible higher level Sino-American talks. Possible issues that could be raised by the US were also mentioned: The matter of US assets in China, the issue of shooting down commercial airliners, and the issue of cease-fire across the Taiwan Strait. Besides, the Foreign Ministry gave instructions on the attitude to adopt at the meetings as well as the need to constantly ask for instructions.

July 30, 1955

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Please Postpone the Ambassadorial-level Talks to the Afternoon on the 1st of August'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry asked their negotiators to try to postpone the first meeting of the Sino-American talks so that the Ministry could send them instructions and the text of speech

July 26, 1955

Additional Instructions Regarding the Sino-American Ambassadorial Talks at Geneva

The Chinese Foreign Ministry offers some additional instructions for how to approach the talks with the United States.

July 17, 1955

Cable from Pu Shouchang to Qiao Quanhua, 'The Premier's Specific Instructions'

Zhou Enlai's instructions regarding the Sino-US talks


Information on Japan’s Participation in the Asian-African Conference

A Chinese report on Japan's participation before the Asian-African Conference. The report observes that the Japanese public paid more attention to this conference than to the previous Bangkok conference and highlighted Tokyo's desire to cooperate with China.


Report from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'List of Problems Between China and Other Asian-African Countries'

A list of problems between China and other Asian-African countries

April 4, 1955

Cable from Feng Xuan to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Please Instruct Us regarding Policy toward Talks with the United States'

Feng Xuan reported to the Foreign Ministry on the release of 76 Chinese students from the US and the American invitation to a meeting on the expatriate question.

June 6, 1954

Cable from the CCP Central Committee, reply to Zhou Enlai’s cable of 3 June 1954

The CCP Central Committee informed Zhou Enlai that they received and agreed with his proposal.

June 3, 1954

Telegram From Zhou Enlai to Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi, on the Issue of the US Asking China to Release Convicted US Nationals in China

Zhou Enlai gave a brief overview of the situation, in which he pointed out that there seemed to be disagreements between the US delegation in Geneva and the State Department over whether to talk directly with the PRC delegation. Zhou outlined what the PRC should do if either case materialized.

May 27, 1954

Minutes of the Talk between Huan Xiang and Trevelyan on the Return of Chinese and US Nationals to their Respective Countries (Excerpt)

Huan Xiang reaffirmed that Beijing did not deny exit permits for Americans while the US prevented many Chinese nationals from leaving the US. He agreed to talk to the US either directly or through Trevelyan's introduction. Trevelyan said that he did not know the US attitude on this issue and would contact Huan Xian in a few days.
