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November 2, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in North Korea to the Foreign Ministry, 'On the Transportation of North Korea's Material Aid for Vietnam'

The Chinese Embassy in North Korea reports on the transportation of North Korea's material aid to Vietnam through China.

November 6, 1965

Cable from the Foreign Ministry to the Chinese Embassy in North Korea, 'Notify Korea on the Border Crossing Issue of Supplies for Aiding Vietnam'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry passes along information about how North Korea can transport its aid to Vietnam.

November 10, 1965

Memorandum of the First Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and Vice Premier Ri Ju-yeon

Zhou Enlai and Ri Ju-yeon have an extensive discussion on the situation in Asia and Africa.

November 11, 1965

Record of Second Conversation of Premier Zhou Enlai and Vice Premier Chen Yi with Foreign Minister Pak Seong-cheol

Chen Yi, Zhou Enlai, Pak Seong-cheol, and Ri Ju-yeon have a detailed conversation about the situations in Indonesia, Algeria, Uganda, Mali, Guinea, and members of the Third World.

December 10, 1965

Minutes of Conversation between Vice Premier Ri Ju-yeon and Deputy Minister Li Qiang from the Banquet on the 10th

Ri Ju-yeon questions Li Qiang about the presence of Chinese companies in Hong Kong as well as the establishment of Banks of China in Singapore and elsewhere.

December 14, 1965

Several Questions Raised by Vice Premier Ri Ju-yeon to Deputy Minister Li Qiang prior to the Signing of the Protocol

Ri Ju-yeon and Li Qiang discuss China's provision of war materials, including wheat, fuel, and American dollars, to North Korea.

December 15, 1965

Cable, Ruo Jiaoyu and Li Qiang to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, 'Vice Premier Ri Ju-yeon's Discussion of War Materials'

Ambassador Ruo Jiaoyu and Li Qiang summarize a meeting held with Ru Ju-yeon on China's provision of war materials to North Korea. The two countries reached a consensus that "[North] Korea’s support for the revolution in the South [Korea] is needed."

December 15, 1965

Cable from Chinese Ambassador in North Korea Jiao Ruoyu, 'On the Situation of Calling on Vice Premier Kim Il'

Kim Il discusses Sino-North Korean relations, the situation in South Korea, and Japan's position in East Asia with Chinese Ambassador Jiao Ruoyu.

December 23, 1965

Cable from the Foreign Ministry to Ambassador Jiao Ruoyu, 'On Vice Premier Li Xiannian's Visit to North Korea'

The Foreign Ministry briefs Chinese Ambassador to North Korea Jiao Ruoyu on Li Xiannian's impending visit to Pyongyang.

March 21, 1950

Oral Message from Choe Yeong, Charge d'Affaires, North Korean Embassy

Choe Yeong informs the Chinese Foreign Ministry of the upcoming birthday of Pak Heon-yeong, Foreign Minister of the DPRK.
