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June 22, 1954

Cable from the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, 'Intention and Plans for Visiting India'

The Central Committee approves Zhou Enlai's travel to India.

December 8, 1962

Letter from Kim Il Sung to Zhou Enlai

December 29, 1961

Cable from the Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee, 'Request to Send Culture and Friendship Delegation to Visit Africa'

The PRC Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee proposes to send a propaganda team to Guinea, Mali, Egypt, Morocco, Ghana, Tunisia, Syria, and Iraq.

October 17, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Sports Committee, 'Request Clearance for a Letter of Congratulations to the South African Lawn Tennis Association'

Correspondence from the South African Lawn Tennis Association, which includes the competition schedule for the second national championship and the congratulatory letter from the Chinese General Secretary of PRC Sports Committee Zhang Lianhua.

October 17, 1964

Request for Clearance of a Draft Joint Communique of the People’s Republic of China Sports Committee and the Chair of the South African Colored People’s Sports Committee

The PRC Sports Committee requests instructions regarding the publication of a joint communique with a South African delegation. The document includes the minutes of the conversation between Zhang Lianhua and the South African representative.

December 22, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'Cuban Foreign Minister Raúl Roa García Discusses the Current Situation'

The Cuban Foreign Minister addressed the following issues in a talk: Cuban-Uruguay relations, Cuban-Mexican relations, Asian-African-Western European relations, Cuban-Soviet-US negotiations in UN, anti-imperialism and anti-revisionism, and the Cuban Embassy's work in China.

October 13, 1960

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Romania, 'Principal Differences in the Communist Movement since the Bucharest Conference and a Series of New Measures regarding Romanian-Chinese Relations'

The Chinese Embassy in Bucharest concludes that "Romania will agree with the USSR on major differences with China."

March 28, 1961

Summary of the Conversation between Comrade Peng Zhen and Romanian Ambassador in China Barbu Zaharescu

Peng Zhen and Barbu Zaharescu discuss China's "great famine."

April 14, 1961

Memorandum of Conversation between Li Xiannian and Abdyl Kellezi

Li Xiannian and Abdyl Kellezi review technical and economic assistance lent to Albania by China, Czechoslovakia, and the Soviet Union.

April 15, 1961

Cable from Wang Bingnan, 'The Situation of the Talk with Ochab'

Edward Ochab insists that Poland "is friendly toward China."
