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August 1962

Draft Response to the Memorandum from the Soviet Union dated 9 August

Premier Zhou requests a response to a Soviet memorandum regarding a blockade of the border, removing Soviet business representatives in Xinjiang, and allowing White Russians to leave Xinjiang.

August 11, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Text of the Memorandum from the Soviet Union dated 9 August and Request for Proposals'

The Chinese government informs the Soviet Union that it intends to reply to a recent cable regarding illegal border crossings.

August 10, 1962

Statement of the Soviet Government concerning the Flight of Xinjiang Residents to the Soviet Union as Delivered to Comrade Huang Zhen by Mesyatsev, Chargé d’affaires Ad Interim of the Soviet Embassy in China (Translation)

The situation on the Xinjiang border has stabilized due to Soviet and Chinese actions, and the Soviet Union demands that China recognize the imbalance in efforts to halt the border crossings.

August 9, 1962

Minutes of Vice Minister Huang Zhen’s Talk with Nikolai Mesyatse, Chargé d’affaires Ad Interim of the Soviet Embassy in Beijing

Huang Zhen, Mesyastev, and Xu discuss the flight of Xinjiang residents to the Soviet Union and controversy surrounding the Soviet government's inconsistencies in dealing with illegal border crossings.

July 7, 1962

Investigation of the Automobile of the Soviet Consulate

Consulate personnel are barred from leaving downtown Yining, leading to a violation of local government rules and an investigation of a Soviet official.

July 11, 1962

Cable from the Xinjiang Foreign Affairs Office, 'Re: Situation of the Investigation of the Automobiles of the Soviet Consulates'

The Xinjiang Foreign Affairs Office follows up on an order to monitor the movements of Soviet automobiles.

July 9, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Please Report on the Situation of the Investigation of the Automobiles of the Soviet Consulates'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry asks for information on the movements of Soviet owned automobiles in Xinjiang.

July 4, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Foreign and Public Security Ministries, 'Response to Work Arrangements and on Opinions on the Closure of the Soviet Consulates'

Report on closure of Soviet consulates, worrying activities of the consulates, and plans for the exit of Soviet nationals from China.

June 8, 1962

Minutes of the Meeting between Vice Minister Zhang Hanfu and the Ambassador of the Soviet Union to China Chervonenko

Zhang Hanfu and Ambassador Chervonenko debate the massive flight of Chinese nationals from Xinjiang to Soviet Kazakhstan.

June 1962

Report on the Collection of Evidence

A report on the work of the Chinese Foreign Ministry and Public Security Ministry in collecting evidence of Soviet wrongdoing in Xinjiang.
