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March 11, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1955, No. 1 (Overall Issue No. 4)

This issue includes statements from Zhou Enlai about American intervention in Taiwan, the establishment of Sino-Yugoslav relations, Sino-Afghan relations, and Sino-Indonesian trade. It also condemns American, French, and KMT Nationalist activities in North Vietnam. Finally, it discusses domestic topics such as divorce and manufacturing.

September 25, 1954

Chinese Communist Party, Plan of Action for Welcoming Home the Chinese Internationals

A work plan on Chinese Communist Party strategies for engaging the Overseas Chinese in Burma, Indonesia, India, and South Africa, among other regions.

July 25, 1959

Deputy Department Director He Ying Receives Indonesian Chargé d'Affaires Suleman and Discusses Matters Related to Sino-Pakistani Relations

He Ying and Suleman discuss the visit of a Chinese Muslim delegation from Taiwan to Pakistan and the state of Sino-Pakistani relations more generally.


Information on Japan’s Participation in the Asian-African Conference

A Chinese report on Japan's participation before the Asian-African Conference. The report observes that the Japanese public paid more attention to this conference than to the previous Bangkok conference and highlighted Tokyo's desire to cooperate with China.

May 27, 1955

Summary of the Views of Afro-Asian Countries on the Taiwan Issue at the Afro-Asian Conference

The People's Republic of China maintains that the Taiwan issue was an internal issue of China, and it was the US who created tension by invading and occupying Taiwan.

January 17, 1955

Plan (Draft) for Compilation, Translation and Publication in Cooperation for the Propaganda in the Asian-African Conference

A list of books and pamphlets to be distributed by China at the Asian-African for the purpose of propaganda. The topics concerned include: Nationality, Religion in China, China in general, Taiwan, and China's Five Principles

March 20, 1955

Cable from Huang Zhen and Peng Di, 'Regarding Journalists of the Jiang Clique Applying to Report on the Afro-Asian Conference'

Telegram inquiring the Chinese Foreign Ministry about how to react on journalists from Taiwan registered for reporting the Asian-African Conference. The Foreign Ministry responded that the Chinese embassy in Indonesia should only inform the Asian-African Conference Secretariat to pay attention to the journalist from the Central News Agency of Taiwan.