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May 15, 1964

Record of the Conversation from Chairman Mao’s Audience with the Albanian Women’s Delegation and Albanian Film Workers

Mao and Vito Kapo discuss Sino-Albanian relations in the context of the anti-revisionist struggle against the Soviet Union.

March 1, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1954, No. 1 (Overall Issue No. 1)

This issue features content on China's cooperation with the Soviet Union, Mongolia, India, Albania, and Ceylon (Sri Lanka). It also has sections on Taiwan, education, economic policies, and railroad development.

August 21, 1961

Record of Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and Comrade Foreign Minister Ung Van Khiem

On the attempts of Ho Chi Minh to mediate between Albania and the Soviet Union.

December 2, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Poland, 'Opinions on the Ninth Congress of the Polish Party'

The Chinese Embassy in Poland reports that "Gomułka will absolutely continue to follow Khrushchev in opposing China and Albania."

October 14, 1961

Memorandum of Conversation from the Meeting between Vice Premier Chen Yi and the Albanian Ambassador to China Reis Malile

Chen Yi and Reis Malile discuss Sino-Albanian trade and Syria's secession from the United Arab Republic.

October 18, 1964

Cable to the CCPCC International Liaison Department and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Reactions of Albanian Newspapers to Our Nuclear Bomb Test and Khrushchev’s Removal'

The Chinese Embassy in Tirana notes Albania's positive responses to China's successful nuclear test.

August 3, 1964

Comrade Zhou Enlai, Comrade Peng Zhen Receive Tran Tu Binh, Vietnam’s Ambassador to China; Nesti Nase, Albania’s Ambassador to China; and Pak Se-chang, Korea’s Ambassador to China

The meeting was among leaders from China, Vietnam, North Korea and Albania in 1964. They discussed Soviet-Romanian relations and plans to support Romania.

October 29, 1964

Conversation Record of Premier Zhou Enlai’s Meeting with the Five Ambassadors and Charge d'affaires of Vietnam, Romania, Albania, Cuba, and Korea

Zhou Enlai evaluates Nikita Khrushchev's dismissal as Secretary of Communist Party of the Soviet Union.