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May 7, 1949

Telegram, Ambassador Wellington Koo to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Koo reports on defections from the South Korean army, US policy towards Korea, and hopes for closer collaboration between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of China.

October 21, 1954

Talking Points from Premier Zhou Enlai’s Third Meeting with Nehru

Zhou Enlai and Nehru discuss Sino-Indian relations, as well as China and India's views toward Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam, and Ceylon (Sri Lanka).

April 28, 1964

Record of President Liu’s Meeting with Pak Se-chang,the New Korean Ambassador to China

Liu greeted New North Korean diplomat in Beijing 1964. They talked about China-DPRK alliance and relations with Japan.

August 20, 1965

Record of Conversation between Premier Kim and the Chinese Friendship Delegation

Kim Il Sung and the Chinese Friendship Delegation discuss agriculture issues in China and North Korea, the war in Vietnam, and confrontation with the United States.

September 3, 1951

Zhou Enlai’s Speech to the Central People’s Government Council, 'The Korean Ceasefire Negotiations and Making Peace with Japan'

Speech by Zhou Enlai emphasizing the need to remain steadfast during negotiations with America on the Korean issue, in order to assure that the treaty is favorable to China and Korea. Notes that aiding Korea and resisting the United States is the only way to prevent Western dominance of East Asia.

May 31, 1956

Memorandum of Conversation from Premier Zhou Enlai's Reception of Ambassador R.K. Nehru

Premier Zhou Enlai and Ambassador Nehru discuss the Korean ceasefire, the role of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Committee, the Sino-American ambassadorial talks, and the situation in Indochina.

May 21, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in North Korea, 'Contents of the May 18th North Korean Party Central Standing Committee Meeting'

A Chinese report on a Meeting of the Central Standing Committee in which the North Koreans negatively reflected on the Park Chung Hee coup in South Korea.
