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January 16, 1956

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1956, No. 02 (Overall Issue No. 28)

This issue begins with an announcement from the Chinese, Mongolian, and Soviet governments about the completion of a connective railway. Zhou Enlai and the Chinese government also recognize the independence of Sudan. Other sections discuss the ongoing Sino-American ambassadorial talks, retirement and sick leave benefits for state employees, and the simplification of Chinese characters.

December 30, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1955, No. 23 (Overall Issue No. 26)

This issue begins with a statement about the American violation of the Sino-U.S. ambassadorial agreement to repatriate citizens held in either country. It also discusses a Sino-Soviet agreement to combat crop diseases and to engage in pest control. Other sections cover light industries, art and cultural work in factories and mines, and protections for young people.

June 10, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1955, No. 8 (Overall Issue No. 11)

This issue covers the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the Lüshun Naval Base and transfer of equipment to the PRC. It also discusses preparations for the second session of the 1st National People's Congress. Other topics include water conservation and drought prevention, agricultural production, and education.

March 18, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1955, No. 2 (Overall Issue No. 5)

This issue marks the fifth anniversary of the Sino-Soviet Friendship and Mutual Assistance Alliance Treaty. It also contains telegrams that Zhou Enlai and UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld sent to each other regarding PRC participation in a UN Security Council meeting, which would discuss New Zealand. Other telegrams and reports discuss plans for the Bandung Asian-African Conference, the distribution of new renminbi currency, taxes, and postal fees.

May 16, 1958

[Mao Zedong's] Instructions on Song XX's Report on Problems Related to Soviet Experts

Mao reminds the Chinese communists to respect the Soviet experts, who are visiting their country, as comrades and brothers.

November 18, 1957

[Mao Zedong's] Remarks at Meeting for Representatives of Communist and Workers' Parties in Moscow

Mao discusses ways that socialism is overwhelming capitalism and describes the reactionaries of the world as "paper tigers." He urges his fellow socialists to take their enemies seriously and to wipe them out one by one.

November 17, 1957

[Mao Zedong's] Speech to All Chinese Students, Interns, and Embassy Officials in Moscow (Excerpt)

While in Moscow, Mao speaks to Chinese living, studying, and working in the Soviet Union.

November 16, 1957

[Mao Zedong's] Remarks at Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties from Socialist Countries in Moscow

Mao praises the results of an international meeting that 64 different Communist and Workers Parties attended in 1957.


Mao Zedong, 'On the Problem of Stalin'

Mao discusses Stalin in excerpts from "The Origin and Development of the Differences between the Leadership of the CPSU and Ourselves."

March 9, 1953

Mao Zedong, 'The Greatest Friendship'

After the death of Stalin, Mao honors his legacy and achievements.
