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October 22, 1962

Soviet Memorandum on the Sino-Indian Border Issue

The Soviet Union outlines its stance toward the ongoing Sino-Indian border war, including its policy of selling arms to India.

March 6, 1960

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in India, 'Report on Khrushchev-Nehru Talks in Calcutta'

The Soviet Cultural Attache reports on the Khrushchev-Nehru talks to a Xinhua reporter.

February 24, 1960

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in India, 'Soviet Attaché in India Tells Us That Nehru Initiated Discussion of Border Issue in Nehru-Khrushchev Talks'

The Chinese Embassy in India reports that it was Nehru who raised the Sino-Indian border dispute in discussions with Nikita Khrushchev.

February 24, 1960

Cable from the Xinhua Branch in New Delhi, 'The Sino-Indian Border Issue Mentioned in Nehru-Khrushchev Talks'

The Xinhua Office in New Delhi reports that Nehru and Khrushchev broached the Sino-Indian border dispute in their recent talks.

March 1, 1960

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia, 'Memorandum of Conversation: Ambassador Huang Meets with Comrade Khrushchev'

Huang Zhen and Nikita Khrushchev briefly discuss Sino-Soviet relations, Sino-Indian relations, and Soviet-Indonesian relations during a visit by Khrushchev to Jakarta.

June 25, 1962

Reply to the Soviet Government Memorandum of 7 June and the Oral Supplementary Statement of 11 June (Draft)

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs the Soviet government that its accusations against China of illegal migration are groundless.

June 26, 1962

Transcript of a Meeting between Vice Minister Ji Pengfei and the Ambassador of the Soviet Union to China Stepan V. Chervonenko

Ji Pengfei and Stepan Chervonenko spar over the Soviet Union's handling of the peoples who crossed into the USSR from Xinjiang.

November 18, 1957

Mao Zedong, 'Speech at a Meeting of the Representatives of Sixty-four Communist and Workers' Parties' (Edited by Mao)

During a speech at the Moscow Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties of 1957 , Mao Zedong proclaims that "the east wind prevailing over the west wind." This version of the speech was edited by Mao for publication.

October 28, 1958

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union, 'Gromyko Discussed the Issue of Stopping Nuclear Weapons Tests'

Gromyko informs Liu Xiao of the Soviet position and strategy in its negotiations with the United States and the United Kingdom for halting nuclear tests.

February 26, 1950

Letter, Mao Zedong to Comrade Stalin

Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai wrote to Soviet leaders expressing their appreciation the hospitality given during their visit in the Soviet Union.
