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June 25, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1955, No. 9 (Overall Issue No. 12)

This issue covers Sino-Indonesian relations and the question of dual nationality. It also discusses marriage registration, cultural education for Chinese peasants, the cancellation of commercial credit between state-owned enterprises, and numerous changes to provincial or village boundaries.

May 10, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1955, No. 6 (Overall Issue No. 9)

This issue first covers several speeches that Zhou Enlai delivered at the Bandung Asian-African Conference. It also features statements about the issue of dual Chinese and Indonesian nationality, including a joint announcement from the prime minister and premier of both countries. The domestic topics include flood control, grain conservation, and vacation time for female employees in state agencies.

December 19, 1967

[Mao Zedong's] Congratulatory Telegram to Chairman Nguyễn Hữu Thọ on the Seventh Anniversary of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam

Mao congratulates Nguyễn Hữu Thọ for the success of the National Liberation Front. He voices a firm conviction that the Vietnamese people will eventually drive the Americans from their country and affirms Chinese support for their struggle.

August 29, 1963

Statement [from Mao Zedong] Opposing [the Combined Efforts] of the United States and Ngô Đình Diệm to Subjugate and Massacre the People of Southern Vietnam

Mao echoes a recent statement from Ho Chi Minh, opposing American imperialist aggression in South Vietnam. He urges revolutionaries around to support South Vietnamese [communists] in their struggle against the Americans and Ngo Dinh Diem. (Note: Originally published in the People's Daily on August 30, 1963.)

January 27, 1965

Conversation from [Mao Zedong's] Audience with Subandrio [then Foreign Minister of Indonesia]

Mao shares his views on education with Subandrio, arguing that students, particularly those in military schools, should study less and learn more from experience.

August 15, 1958

Conversation from [Mao Zedong's] Audience with Sihanouk (Excerpt)

Mao shares his views on education.

September 4, 1964

Conversation from [Mao Zedong's] Reception of the Head, Deputy Head, and Key Members of the Cultural Group of the Laotian Patriotic Front

Mao urges members of the Laotian Patriotic Front art troupe to unite with ordinary Laotians and learn from China's mistakes so that they can guard themselves against Soviet revisionism.

March 8, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1954, No. 3 (Overall Issue No. 3)

This issue covers a meeting between the Chinese and Burmese prime ministers. It also includes letters that a Chinese government delegation and Enver Hoxha exchanged for Albania's tenth anniversary. In terms of domestic policy, among other topics, it provides instructions for issuing bonds to help build the nation's economy, regulations for arrest and detention, and regulations for urban residence committees.

August 28, 1962

Record of Premier Zhou’s Talk with Prime Minister Pham Van Dong

Zhou Enlai and Pham Van Dong discuss North Vietnam's support for revolutions in South Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos.

February 19, 1959

Record of Premier Zhou Enlai's Talk with Vietnamese Government Economic Mission

Zhou Enlai and Le Thanh Nghi review Chinese economic aid to North Vietnam.
