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April 4, 1954

Draft Memorandum, 'A Comprehensive Solution for Restoring Peace in Indochina,' Prepared by the Vietnam Group of the Chinese Delegation Attending the Geneva Conference

The Vietnam group of the Chinese delegation offers a solution involving peaceful unification within Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, so that these nations can govern themselves as independent, sovereign states.

May 1, 1954

Cable from Zhou Enlai, 'Regarding a Meeting with British Foreign Secretary Eden'

Zhou Enlai, Molotov, and Eden discuss the Korea issue, the Indochina issue, Sino-British relations, British-American relations, and the issue of five powers.

May 9, 1954

Cable from Zhou Enlai, 'Regarding the Situation of the First Plenary Session'

Zhou Enlai recaps the Indochina discussion that took place at the Geneva conference. Participants discussed a ceasefire, and supervision by an international committee. Enlai notes that his suggestion to invite the resistance governments in Laos and Cambodia to attend the conference produced debate.

May 12, 1954

Telegram, Zhou Enlai to Mao Zedong and Others, Regarding the Second Plenary Session (Excerpt)

Zhou Enlai reports mainly on the second session of the Indochina issue. Participants are divided on the issue of a ceasefire. The Republic of Vietnam's Pham Van Dong agrees that the releasing of sick and wounded POWs will include both French and Vietnamese troops.

August 19, 1955

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to Wang Bingnan, 'Instructions for the Ninth Meeting'

The Foreign Ministry agreed with Wang’s observation that the US thought that China was very eager to reach an agreement and thus took advantage of it. The US’s purpose was to have China promise unambiguously that all American citizens would be released soon. The Foreign Ministry instructed Wang to stand firm in the next meeting and not to yield as China had already make necessary concession.

August 20, 1955

Cable from Wang Bingnan, 'Request for Instructions on the American Invitation to Ambassador Wang to Have a Meal on Monday'

US Representative Johnson invited Wang to a private dinner at Johnson’s residence, stating that both would bring only interpreters and should not leak the information to reporters. Wang asked for instruction from the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

August 21, 1955

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to Wang Bingnan, 'Agree for Wang to Accept the Invite from Johnson'

The Foreign Ministry agreed Wang to accept the invite from Johnson and asked for more details about the dinner arrangement.

August 20, 1955

Cable from Wang Bingnan, 'Potential Topics at the Private Dinner with Johnson'

Wang drafted certain issues that might be touched upon during the private dinner with Johnson and asked for permission from the Foreign Ministry. The US might: (1) Explain the current situation and wish to improve Sino-US relations; (2) Continue searching China’s bottom-line with soft methods; (3) Want to test China’s attitude on improving Sino-US relations; (4) Test China’s opinion on the second agenda.

August 21, 1955

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'America's Probing of Us and Our Talking Points'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry claims that the US wants to test China’s bottom-line regarding the release of US citizens in China.

August 24, 1955

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Analysis of the Private Dinner and the 10th Meeting and Instructions for the 11th Meeting of the Sino-US Ambassadorial Talks'

The Foreign Ministry instructed Wang that China would not have a determined time to release all the American citizens, as the US requested. However, China could agree to deal with the issue “as soon as possible” in the amendment.
