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October 11, 1965

Record of Conversation between Vice-Foreign Minister Qiao Guanhua and North Korean Ambassador in China Pak Se-chang

Qiao Guanhua and Pak Se-chang exchange opinions on the holding of a second Afro-Asian conference.

October 12, 1965

Cable from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Chinese Embassy in North Korea, 'On the Transportation of North Korea's Material Aid for Vietnam'

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs follows up on the work of China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to ship material aid from Korea to Vietnam.

October 22, 1965

Letter from Premier Zhou Enlai to North Korean Premier Kim Il Sung

Zhou Enlai writes to update Kim Il Sung on the status of the proposed Second Asian-African Conference.

October 23, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to the Embassy in North Korea, 'On the Issue of Transporting Korean Aid to Vietnam'

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides instructions to the Chinese Embassy in Pyongyang on the shipment of North Korean aid to Vietnam.


Marginal Note by Mao Zedong on Indian Report on Tibetans in India

Marginal note written by Mao Zedong, implying that Indian authorities are feigning ignorance of illegal activities perpetrated by Tibetans in India.

February 18, 1959

Marginal Note by Mao Zedong on a 'Situation Report'

Short marginal note written by Mao Zedong, noting that a chaotic Tibet will be useful for the training of troops and for justifying future pacification.

June 30, 1955

Conversation of Mao Zedong and the Yugoslav Ambassador V. Popovic

Conversation between Mao Zedong and Yugoslav Ambassador Popovic. Mao explains that the delay in China's recognition of Yugoslavia was because China was waiting for Yugoslavia and the USSR to mend their relations. Emphasizes the need for Communist unity and cooperation.

September 3, 1951

Zhou Enlai’s Speech to the Central People’s Government Council, 'The Korean Ceasefire Negotiations and Making Peace with Japan'

Speech by Zhou Enlai emphasizing the need to remain steadfast during negotiations with America on the Korean issue, in order to assure that the treaty is favorable to China and Korea. Notes that aiding Korea and resisting the United States is the only way to prevent Western dominance of East Asia.

December 22, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union, 'On the Situation of the Soviet Revisionists “Condemning America and Supporting Vietnam”'

The Chinese Embassy in Moscow reports on recent Soviet efforts to support the Vietnamese against the United States.

December 11, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union, 'The Soviet Revisionists Have Greatly Strengthened their False Support for Vietnam'

The Chinese Embassy in Moscow analyzes Soviet policy toward Vietnam in the context of the Sino-Soviet split.
