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July 12, 1972

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Le Duc Tho

Zhou Enlai advises Le Duc Tho on negotiations with the US, particularly the issue of Nguyen Van Thieu.

December 29, 1972

Discussion between Mao Zedong and Nguyen Thi Binh

Mao Zedong advises Nguyen Thi Binh to continue with negotiations.

December 31, 1972

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Truong Chinh

Zhou Enlai pushes for negotiations.

January 3, 1973

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Le Duc Tho

Zhou Enlai encourages Vietnam’s negotiations with the US.

January 24, 1973

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Prince Sihanouk

Zhou Enlai ensures no outside interference in the countries of Cambodia and Laos.

February 2, 1973

Discussion between Mao Zedong and Le Duc Tho

Mao Zedong makes suggestions as to the course for action after the signing of the Paris Agreements.

February 2, 1973

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Pen Nouth

Zhou Enlai reads a statement from Mao Zedong expressing approval of the US withdrawal.

June 5, 1973

Discussion between Zhou Enlai, Le Duan, Pham Van Dong and Le Thanh Nghi

The role of China and Vietnam in the Cambodian revolution; also a discussion on the current situation in South Vietnam.

December 25, 1954

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Regarding Our Attitude towards the Afro-Asian Conference'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry informed Chinese embassies overseas that China supported the Asian-African Conference as well as the participation of the countries with whom China had no diplomatic relation, such as Japan, the Philippines, and Thailand. China also emphasized that Chiang Kai-shek was not to be invited to the Conference.

October 7, 1954

Memorandum of Conversation from the Meeting between Premier Zhou Enlai and the Pakistan Women’s Delegation (Excerpts)

A conversation between Zhou Enlai and a Pakistani women's delegation on Sino-Indian-Pakistani trilateral relations, the Kashmir issue, and China's qualms about Pakistani membership in the Southeast Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO).
