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October 27, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Ghana, 'Report on Conversation with the Third Secretary of Cuban Embassy'

Chinese embassy in Ghana discusses the situation in Cuba. Ghana proposes African-Asian delegation to inspect Cuban military establishments; also says the U.S. will attack Cuba at 9:30 pm on the evening of 27 or 28 October 1962, but does not identify the source of this information.

October 28, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'The Chilean Economic Advisor Jaime Barrios Discussed the Cuban Situation'

A conversation with the Chilean economic advisor. They discuss: American plane shot down over Cuba, possible invasion of Cuba and the mass mobilization needed to support Cuba.

October 30, 1962

Chinese Embassy in Cuba, A Report on a Conversation with Two Deputy Department Heads of Cuban General Staff

Two department heads of the Cuban general staff (revolutionary education and film departments) spoke with the military attache to the Chinese embassy in Cuba. They discussed morale of the Cuban troops, relations with other socialist countries and the American airplane shot down over Cuba.

October 31, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union, 'Views on Khrushchev's Compromise with the United States on Cuba'

The Chinese Embassy shares their opinion on Khrushchev's reconciliation with Kennedy after the Cuban Missile Crisis. They believe: Khrushchev’s activities "amounted to a bowl of cold water, poured right over the Cuban people"; because of Khrushchev, those who sit on the fence have now leaned rightward; American imperialists will, under the banner of the UN, create troubles for Cuba; and Khrushchev exhausted his words to exculpate Kennedy, which invariably stemmed from the concern to arrange a Cuba deal as a starting point, with the ultimate goal to push for reconciliations to be reached on other questions.

November 8, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'A Brief Report of a Cuban Military Intelligence Official’s Talk'

According to military intelligence, the situation between US and Cuba has "calmed down". There are fewer fly-overs and the American Navy has backed away from Cuban territory.

November 9, 1962

Cable from the Military Attache of the Chinese Embassy in Iraq, 'Mercenaries Used by United States to Invade Cuba'

The Chinese Embassy in Iraq passes on information from the Cuban Embassy about forces prepared by the CIA for an invasion of Cuba, claiming they included armed anti-Castro exiles of the Cuban Revolutionary Council as well as a separate group of "special agents committed to sabotage and subversion operations."

November 12, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'A Report of the Conversation with the Deputy Editor of Noticias de Hoy, Raúl Valdes Vivo'

A report of a conversation from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba detailing the situation different Latin American countries face in regards to US-Cuba relations, especially in terms of the US economic and naval blockade.

December 1, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Ernesto 'Che' Guevara and Chinese Ambassador Shen Jian, Havana

Ernesto “Che” Guevara and Chinese Ambassador Shen Jian discussing the outcome of the Cuban Revolution, especially in terms of how it reflected US-Soviet relations.

May 17, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Sweeden, 'Swedish News Publications’ Comments on the South Korean Coup'

The Chinese Embassy in Sweden summarizes the reaction in the local press to the coup in South Korea.

July 1, 1950

Conversation between Indian Ambassador Kavalam Madhava Panikkar and Deputy Foreign Minister Zhang Hanfu

Zhang Hanfu and K.M. Panikkar discuss the role of the United Nations in ending the conflict in Korea.
