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November 20, 1957

Letter, Nam Il to Sir Leslie Munro and Mr. Dag Hammarskjold

Nam Il, minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK, sends letter to Sir Leslie Munro and Dag Hammarskjold to protest against UN General Assembly meeting which adopted an resolution to accept only South Korea into UN and denounces President Rhee of South Korea.

June 27, 1975

Letter, John Scali to the President of the Security Council

John Scali sends the president of the Security Council of the United Nations a letter saying that the United States supports UN General Assembly Resolution 3333 and that it will terminate UNC.

June 27, 1975

Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs concerning the Implementation of UN General Assembly Resolution 3333 (XXIX) on the Question of Korea

South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs sends a statement concerning the implementation of UN General Assembly Resolution 3333 on the question of Korea.

December 1, 1971

Letters between Narasimhan and Ozbudun

Ozbudun updates Narasimhan on the proposal of an agenda for full Red Cross negotiations, the ROK government's willingness to establish diplomatic relations with non-aligned countries that have relations with North Korea, and UNCURK's invitation to meet with the NNCS.

November 29, 1971

Letter, Ozbudun to Narasimhan

In connection with the issue of two Chinas in the UN, Kim Dae Jung proposes an ROK national effort toward national unification by precluding war and consideration of simultaneous entry of the two Koreas into the UN.

November 23, 1971

Letters between Narasimhan and Ozbudun

Ozbudun updates Narasimhan on domestic and international affairs in ROK. The 9th preliminary Red Cross talks made no progress. The ROK government worries that PRC's entry in the UN will affect the UN Korean question discussion. A Russian reporter may visit Seoul to sound out potential trade relations. Japan decides to forgo trade and banking relations with North Korea.

March 27, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Legal Counselor Stavropoulos

Principal Secretary of UNCURK Zouheir Kuzbari asks Legal Counselor C.A. Stavropoulos about submitting UNCURK report to the General Assembly only when the Korean question is debated.

November 13, 1970

Report, UN Department of Political and Security Council Affairs, 'Chile, UNCURK, and the UN Stand on the Korean Question'

The Department of Political and Security Affairs releases their prospects and suggestions on "Chile, UNCURK, and the UN Stand on the Korean Question." Considering the Marxist administration in Chile, the document outlines Chile's participation in UNCURK and potential solutions to remedy.

October 26, 1970

Cable, DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Statement Concerning Korean Question Discussions

The DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement arguing for the unconditional participation of a DPRK representative in United Nations discussions of the Korean question.

September 18, 1970

DPRK Memorandum on 'US Imperialists' Aggressive Crimes in Korea'

Minster of Foreign Affairs Heo Dam transmits the 1970 June 22 memorandum on the "US Imperialists' Aggressive Crimes in Korea." The memorandum outlines DPRK grievances against the United States and demands the withdrawal of US military assistance from the ROK.
