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November 24, 1964

K.R. Narayanan, 'India and the Chinese Bomb'

K.R. Narayanan, Director of China Division at Ministry of External Affairs, writes that the explosion of the first nuclear bomb by China will alter the political balance of Asia and the world and development of nuclear weapons by India can be justified and beneficial for the country and the international system as well.

January 1966

Excerpt of an Indian Document on Chinese Nuclear Delivery Capability

An excerpt of a document recovered from the Air India 101 crash assessing China's military capabilities.

January 9, 1966

Secret Letter from the Indian Embassy in Beijing to the Foreign Secretary in New Delhi, No. PEK/104/66, 'China and the West'

The Indian Embassy in Beijing sent a letter to the Indian Foreign Secretary to prove an analysis of Chinese foreign policy, such as Beijing's relationship with the West and the impact of Sino-Soviet split on Chinese foreign relations.

January 20, 1966

Top Secret Note No. D.185-NG/66 from the Ministry of External Affairs (East Asia Division), Copy no. 36, authored by A.K. Damodaran (Deputy Secretary, East Asia Division)

The note describes India's difficulty in the assessment of Chinese defense production due to the absence of official statistics.

June 8, 1979

Memorandum for Zbigniew Brzezinski from Nick Platt, 'PRC Meeting on PRM-45 Thursday, June 7, 1979,’ June 6, 1979, and Policy Review Committee, 'Korea'

Brzezinski sent a summary of the PRC meeting, including a discussion on the inter-relationship between troop withdrauwl policy and human rights issues in South Korea.

June 1, 1978

Telegram from the Secretary of State to the American Embassy in Seoul, 'Dr. Brzezinski’s Meeting with President Park'

Brzezinski briefed President Park on two exchanges with the Chinese leaders. They mainly talked about whether the Chinese leaders behave as spokesmen for Kim Il Sung or not.

April 6, 1950

Letter, Muhammad Amin Bughra, Isa Yusuf Alptekin, and Colonel Adam Sabri to Owen Lattimore

Exiled in India, Bugrha, Alptekin, and Sabri ask Lattimore for financial and material support. They also praise Dean Acheson's January 1950 Press Club Speech.

June 23, 1971

Discussion Between the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr The Hon. H. Muller and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal, His Excellency Dr Rui D’Espiney Patricio

February 9, 1974

Xinhua News Agency, 'Decision of All-China Sports Federation on Participation in Seventh Asian Games'

A Xinhua News Agency press release on the meeting congratulated the Asian Games Federation on its decision to expel the "Chiang Kai-shek clique" (the Republic of China) and invited Taiwanese athletes to participate in the PRC’s team, a decision which would indicate acceptance of the PRC’s control over Taiwanese sports affairs.

November 16, 1973

Speech to the Asian Games Federation Council by Hassan Rassouli, Secretary-General of the Iranian Organizing Committee

Hassan Rassouli, secretary-general of the Iranian organizing committee and director-general of the governmental Iranian Physical Education Organization, makes a speech in support of the People's Republic of China's application to the Asian Games Federation. Rassouli offered a pan-Asian discourse that members could use to publically legitimize their pro-PRC decision by claiming that they were fighting against Western paternalism in sports affairs.
