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August 14, 1953

Memorandum, President Syngman Rhee to All Diplomatic Officials

Following the ratification of the Armistice Agreement and the Mutual Defense Treaty, President Rhee conveys that he expects the Armistice to fail because the communists will “undoubtedly” violate it and undermine Korean independence. Rhee wants to renew war to secure victory but most importantly to strengthen the ROK-U.S alliance. Following the memorandum he makes twelve points ranging from topic like Korean rehabilitation to prisoners of war from the Korean War.

August 27, 1979

Interoffice Memorandum from Javier Pérez de Cuéllar to the Secretary-General, 'Korea'

Javier Pérez de Cuéllar describes efforts to revive dialogue between the two Koreas in the aftermath of US President Carter's trip to Korea.

July 16, 1979

Letter from J. Perez de Cuellar to the Secretary-General

J. Perez de Cuellar describes his recent conversations with the Permanent Observers from North Korea and South Korea on the possibility for a new round of dialogue between the two Koreas.

July 10, 1979

Note for the File, 'Main Points Made by President Kim Il Sung in the Meeting with the Secretary-General on 3 May in PyongYang'

Kim Il Sung claims that North Korea "would like to have economical, political and cultural cooperation with the Republic of Korea."

July 3, 1979

Interoffice Memorandum from Ellen Lukas to the Office of the Secretary-General, 'North Korea Denounced US-South Korea Communique Calling for Trilateral Talks on Reunification'

Han Si-hae and Secretary General Kurt Waldheim discuss the dialogue initiative involving the US, North Korea, and South Korea, and the role of the United Nations in facilitating such discussions.

May 21, 1979

Notes on a Meeting in Seoul on 5 May 1979, 10:30 – 12:30 AM

Kurt Waldheim and Park Chung Hee discuss the Secretary General's recent trip to Pyongyang and conversation with Kim Il Sung, as well as the possibilities for dialogue between North Korea, South Korea, and the United States.

May 2, 1979

Main Points of the Talks with Foreign Minister Ho Dam of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on 2 May 1979

Kurt Waldheim and Heo Dam discuss the Korean armistice and the possibilities for dialogue between the two Koreas.

August 31, 1978

Record of Conversation with H.E. Mr. William H. Gleysteen, Jr.

Ambassadors Gleysteen and Miller discuss relations between North Korea and South Korea and the regional situation in Northeast Asia in 1978.

November 1957

Friendship and Solidarity Among Socialist Countries

Kim Il Sung's article, originally published in Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn, thanks the Soviet Union and China for assisting North Korea while deriding American foreign policy.

March 8, 1972

Letters between Ahmet H. Ozbudun and C.V. Narasimhan

Ozbudun sends Narasimhan a letter on Mr. Marshall Green's visit to the ROK, the doubling of Japan-DPRK trade during 1972, ROK-DPRK Red Cross talks: 3th working committee meeting, and USSR-DPRK contacts.
