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October 24, 1956

Memorandum from [redacted] for Chief, ICD, ‘Guidance to Radio Liberation from New York on Satellite Situation’

The International Operations Division officer responsible for Radio Liberty notes to Cord Meyer his disagreement with RL’s policy of avoiding all commentary on the Hungarian Revolution. He cites Meyer’s intention to discuss the issue with AMCOMLIB president Sargeant.

November 16, 1956

Proposed Interim Policy Guidance for Free Europe Committee, Second Draft

Second draft of “Proposed Interim Guidance for FEC” prepared for Allen Dulles to forward [over his disclosed pseudonym] to the FEC.

April 5, 1962

Reprise of Radio Free Europe and the Hungarian Revolution

Cord Meyer reviews the history for DCI John A. McCone

September 1, 1957

Policy Guidance for Radio Free Europe on UN Special Session on Hungary

International Organizations Division drafts policy guidelines for RFE broadcasts

August 9, 1957

Committee on Radio Broadcasting Policy Discussion

An International Organizations Division (IOD) officer recounts differences among the Committee on Radio Broadcasting Policy (CRBP) members about Radio Free Europe (RFE) country policy papers and discerns considerable overlap between RFE and the Voice of America (VOA).

June 5, 1957

Radio Free Europe Coverage of Imre Nagy Reviewed

An International Organizations Division (IOD) officer in the CIA critically reviews treatment of Imre Nagy in RFE Hungarian broadcasts in October-November 1956

March 5, 1957

State Department and CIA Officials Discuss Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberation

Robert Murphy, Allen Dulles, and other officials review on March 2 State Department recommendations contained in a memorandum dated January 10 [document not released] and agree that the charter of the Committee on Radio Broadcasting Policy (CRBP) include drafting Radio Free Europe (RFE) country policy guidances and considering reductions in RFE broadcasts

February 28, 1957

Policy Guidance for Radio Broadcasting to Hungary

Robert Murphy and Allen Dulles agree that Radio Free Europe and the Voice of America should treat the March 15 anniversary of Hungarian Independence Day with caution.

December 26, 1956

Interviews with Hungarian Refugees on Western Broadcasts

Bonn Embassy official T.M. Rechnagel, reports his impressions of interviews with some 100 refugees in the Salzburg area in December

December 20, 1956

Telegram No. 2416 from Bonn to the Secretary of State

The Bonn Embassy conveys to Washington the results of the German review of tapes of RFE broadcasts to Hungry from October 23 to November 10.
