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October 27, 1989

National Intelligence Daily for Friday, 27 October 1989

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 27 October 1989 describes the latest developments in the German reunification.

October 11, 1989

Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, 'German Reunification: What Would Have to Happen?'

The CIA’s memorandum published on 11 October 1989 brings up the German reunification as an international agenda and assesses its implications for the Soviet Union and the United States.

September 30, 1989

National Intelligence Daily for Saturday, 30 September 1989

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 30 September 1989, describes the latest developments in Lebanon, Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, Philippines, the United States, Greece, Hungary, El Salvador, Panama, Thailand, and Nicaragua.

February 13, 1990

Memorandum of Telephone Conversation: Telephone Call from Chancellor Helmut Kohl of the Federal Republic of Germany, February 13, 1990, 1:49-2:00 p.m. EST

Telephone conversation between President George H. W. Bush and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl on the situation in Germany.

November 10, 1989

Memorandum of Telephone Conversation: Conversation with Helmut Kohl, Chancellor – Federal Republic of Germany, November 10, 1989, 3:29-3:47PM

Telephone conversation between President George H. W. Bush and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl on the situation in Germany.

October 23, 1989

Memorandum of Telephone Conversation: Telephone Call from Chancellor Helmut Kohl of the Federal Republic of Germany, October 23, 1989, 9:02-9:26 a.m. EDT

Telephone conversation between President George H. W. Bush and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl on the situation in Eastern Europe.

July 21, 1971

Memorandum for President Nixon from Kissinger, "Berlin Negotiations: The Unresolved Issues"

National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger updates President Nixon on the status of the Four Power Berlin negotiations between the Soviet Union, East Germany, West Germany, and the United States, focusing on unresolved issues on which the four states were unable to agree.

April 5, 1971

Memorandum for President Nixon from Kissinger, "The Berlin Negotiations - New Guidelines"

National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger updates President Nixon on the status of the Four Power Berlin negotiations between the Soviet Union, East Germany, West Germany, and the United States.

February 16, 1970

Memorandum for President Nixon from Kissinger, "Brandt's Eastern Policy"

A memorandum for President Nixon from National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger summarizing West German Chancellor Willy Brandt's "Ostpolitik" or Eastern Policy, which sought to normalize relations between West Germany and the communist countries.

February 11, 1953

State Department Views of Radio Liberty Broadcasting

The State Department comments on the January 22, 1953 CIA paper ["Radio Liberty Editorial Policies Defined"], raising the issue of likely restraints from West Germany when it regains sovereignty.