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July 10, 1979

Note for the File, 'Main Points Made by President Kim Il Sung in the Meeting with the Secretary-General on 3 May in PyongYang'

Kim Il Sung claims that North Korea "would like to have economical, political and cultural cooperation with the Republic of Korea."

July 3, 1979

Interoffice Memorandum from Ellen Lukas to the Office of the Secretary-General, 'North Korea Denounced US-South Korea Communique Calling for Trilateral Talks on Reunification'

Han Si-hae and Secretary General Kurt Waldheim discuss the dialogue initiative involving the US, North Korea, and South Korea, and the role of the United Nations in facilitating such discussions.

May 2, 1979

Main Points of the Talks with Foreign Minister Ho Dam of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on 2 May 1979

Kurt Waldheim and Heo Dam discuss the Korean armistice and the possibilities for dialogue between the two Koreas.

July 7, 1953

National Security Council Report, NSC 157/1, 'US Objective with Respect to Korea Following an Armistice'

NSC 157/1 analyzes the situation following the armistice in Korea and the problem of Korea's division in half. The report analyzes the North Korea/Communist, US, and South Korean positions regarding reunification. Although a unified Korea allied militarily with the US is not seen as a possibility, the report concludes that it might still be possible to achieve "a unified, neutralized Korea under a substantially unchanged ROK [South Korea]."

July 10, 1951

Letter from General Ridgeway to the Joint Chiefs of Staff on a Ceasefire Negotiations in Korea

Report from Ridgway, Commander in Chief of the United Nations forces in Korea on meetings between the UN Command and North Korea to negotiate an armistice in Korea.

March 16, 1949

National Security Council Report, NSC 8/1, 'The Position of the United States with Respect to Korea'

Report by the National Security Council to the President on US policy objectives regarding Korea.


US National Security Council Cable, Korea Trilateral -- Response to Foreign Ministry Dialogue

The National Security Council outlines it views of tripartite talks involving North Korea, South Korea, and the United States.

September 9, 1971

Message to Kim Il Sung from Eldridge Cleaver

Eldridge Cleaver sends a message to Kim Il Sung celebrating the twenty-third anniversary of the founding of DPRK. Cleaver praises the Juche principle and the Korean revolution for national independence against the Japanese fascists and US imperialists. Koreans are described as the prime mover of the international revolutionary movement and as having built a powerful independent socialist country. Cleaver praises North Korea's efforts in reaching out to the southern hemisphere that is suffering from US neo-colonialism.


Statement from the US Peoples' Anti-Imperialist Delegation to Korea

Eldridge Cleaver praises Kim Il Sung and the Korean people as models of the anti-imperialist struggle and suggests that US imperialism has been crumbling since its "defeat" in the Korean War. Cleaver praises North Korean economic development in heavy industry and light industry and in agriculture which serves the purpose of liberating the people. Suggesting that the Korean peninsula can only be unified by the Koreans themselves, Cleaver indicates his support for North Korea's efforts to unify Korea against US imperialism, warning that the US imperialists that they will suffer a heavier loss if they provoke another war.


Welcoming Message to Eldridge Cleaver, Kathleen Cleaver, and Robert Scheer upon their Arrival in North Korea

The speaker thanks the Black Panther Party for supporting North Korea's efforts to achieve independence without the influence of US and Japanese imperialist forces and expresses North Korea's hope for solidarity against imperialism. The speaker argues that Korean unification can only be achieved by the Korean people themselves.
