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November 22, 2019

Leonard Weiss, 'My Involvement with the 1979 Vela Satellite (6911) Event'

Statement made by Leonard Weiss about his memories of the 1979 VELA Incident.

November 8, 2019

The VELA Incident: A Statement Written by Dr. Alan Berman

A statement written by Dr. Alan Berman about the 1979 VELA Incident.

November 21, 2019

Richard L. Garwin, 'More from a Ruina-panel Member'

Accounts and memories of the 1979 VELA Incident and the Ruina Panel put together by Richard L. Garwin.


Elie Geisler, 'The Israeli Nuclear Drama of May 1967: A Personal Testimony'

Elie Geisler received training as a radiation-safety officer while serving as a solider at Dimona from 1964 to 1966. As the crisis escalated in late May 1967, Geisler was summoned to meet the head of the Minhal Madaii—the secret scientific administration in charge of the nuclear project—who gave him a special assignment: guarding a radioactive “package” to be placed under heavy security. The following testimony was relayed to Avner Cohen through several interviews and follow-up conversations and email exchanges.

July 19, 1969

Memorandum from Henry Kissinger to Richard Nixon, "Israeli Nuclear Program"

December 27, 1962

Rodger P. Davies to Phillips Talbot, 'Second Inspection of Israel's Dimona Reactor'

Summary of second US inspection of Dimona. Although inspectors "were taken to Dimona without advance notification, [and] they had spent only a short time there," they felt that "the visit was satisfacotry in that the AEC technicians could confirm that the reactor is not a power reactor but rather a large research reactor.

October 23, 1962

Department of State Memorandum of Conversation, 'Second U.S. Visit to Dimona Reactor'

Results of second US visit to Dimona discussed.

October 22, 1962

State Department Telegram 451 to US Embassy Egypt

State Department reports that a second US visit to Dimona reaffirmed previous view that there was no evidence of preparations for nuclear weapons production.

September 18, 1962

William Brubeck, Executive Secretary, to McGeorge Bundy, 'Second Visit by U.S. Scientists to the Dimona Reactor'

Memorandum summarizing response to US requests for a second visit to Dimona.

September 14, 1962

Department of State Memorandum of Conversation, 'Proposed Visit of U.S. Scientists to the Dimona Reactor'

Delay in response to US request for a second visit to Dimona.
