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August 30, 1973

Text of August 29th Statement by Director Hu Rak Lee, Seoul Co-Chairman of the South-North Coordinating Committee regarding the South-North Dialogue

Text of August 29th Statement by Director Hu Rak Lee, Seoul Co-Chairman of the South-North Coordinating Committee regarding the South-North Dialogue.

January 26, 1973

Letter, Ahmet H. Ozbudun to C.V. Narasimhan, "Ramifications of the ROK Troop Withdrawal from Viet-Nam"

Ozbudun sends Narasimhan a report on ramification of the ROK troop withdrawal from Vietnam, UN policy of the ROK, North-South contacts, ROK National Assembly elections, and the old and new constitution of DPRK.

August 30, 1973

Letter, Melih Ercin to His Excellency Kurt Waldheim containing 'Report of the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea'

A report of the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea, covering the period from 19 August 1972 through 30 August 1973.

December 30, 1971

Letters between Narasimhan and Ozbudun

In a series of letters, Narasimhan provides updates on the state of emergency, the Red Cross negotiations, North Korea's defense posture, the US ambassador's remarks on US-ROK relations, North Korean infiltrations, and UNCURK meetings.

December 15, 1971

Letters between Narasimhan and Ozbudun

Narasimhan and Ozbudun inform each other of the Red Cross negotiation agenda proposal failure and Park Chung Hee's announcement of a state of emergency.

December 31, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

Kuzbari briefs Narasimhan on election and national security updates in South Korea, including the campaigns of Kim Dae Jung and Park Chung Hee; the debate over ROK forces in Vietnam; DPRK and ROK naval clashes over what DPRK speculates to be a spy boat but ROK states is a fishing boat; and discussion concerning the return of the North Korean pilot who crash landed in South Korea.

June 27, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Officer-in-Charge Osman to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

In connection with the 20th anniversary of the Korean War, the governments of North Korea and South Korea have made statements on the requirements for unification. Additionally, North Korean agents infiltrated the ROK National Cemetery and attempted a bombing.

May 29, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

Park Chung Hee reinforces his opposition to U.S. force reductions and worries about how the reductions will appear to the DPRK.

May 18, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

Principal Secretary Kuzbari updates Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan on the meeting between the commission and Park Chung Hee. Park states that he will never resort to the use of arms to reunite Korea and is opposed to the reduction of U.S. force reduction in Korea.

March 9, 1970

Letters between ROK President Park Chung Hee and UN Secretary-General U Thant

Park Chung Hee asks for U Thant and the UN's support of the ROK in releasing the remaining 11 people from the KAL YS-11 hi-jacking incident in North Korea. U Thant acknowledges that he has no influence on DPRK authorities.
