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September 23, 1978

US Embassy Paris cable 31540 to State Department, 'Elysée Views on Reprocessing Issues'

A source in President Giscard's staff informed the US embassy that Pakistan was determined to complete the reprocessing plant and was searching for another country willing to supply the necessary technology. Also discusses a developing nuclear deal between West Germany and Brazil.

November 1, 1978

'UK Approach to Supplier Governments on Pakistan,' State Department cable 278247 to US Embassy Bonn et al.

Summary of a British report on problems with the export "trigger list" of the Nuclear Suppliers Group. The list did not include gray area items that could be used in building nuclear facilities. To begin correcting the problem, the British announced a ban of inverter exports and asked other governments to take parallel steps. Also includes a summary of a secret British paper on Pakistan nuclear intentions. The British believed that the “piecemeal” Pakistani purchasing efforts to acquire inverters were directly related to the building of a gas centrifuge unit for producing weapons-grade uranium. Attached to the cable is a 7 November "Memorandum for the Record" discussing sharing this information with the Department of Energy.

November 7, 1978

'US Demarche on Pakistani Reprocessing Plant,' US Embassy Italy cable 21617 to State Department

Italian response to U.S. demarche on Pakistani nuclear development. Reports that Pakistan has not yet requested any equipment from Italy, but if they did Italy would follow all mandated safeguards.

November 7, 1978

'US Demarche on Pakistani Reprocessing Plant,' US Embassy Sweden cable 4456 to State Department

Swedish response to U.S. demarche on Pakistani nuclear development, agreeing to cooperate fully.

November 13, 1978

'US Demarche on Pakistan Reprocessing Plant,' US Embassy Spain Cable 13257 to State Department

British ambassador's meeting with Spanish Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs to discuss the UK demarche on inverter exports. Under Secretary agrees to cooperate and block all loopholes.

November 14, 1978

'Achieving USG Nonproliferation Objectives in Pakistan,' US Embassy Pakistan Cable 1119 to State Department

U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan advises against informing the Indian government about U.S. concerns over Pakistan's nuclear program. It would have an "adverse impact" for the U.S. government to be seen colluding with India by Pakistan.

November 8, 1978

'US Demarche on Pakistani Reprocessing Plant,' US Embassy West Germany cable 20685 to State Department

West German response to U.S. demarche on Pakistani nuclear development, agreeing to cooperate and expressing surprise that Pakistan was attempting to complete the reprocessing plant.

November 7, 1978

'US Demarche on Pakistani Reprocessing Plant,' US Embassy Canada cable 5446 to State Department

Canadian response to U.S. demarche on Pakistani nuclear development, agreeing to cooperate fully and expressing surprise that Pakistan was attempting to complete the reprocessing plant.

November 17, 1978

'Achieving USG Nonproliferation Objectives in Pakistan,' US Embassy India Cable 17682

U.S. Ambassador to India reports that the Indian government is aware that the U.S. believes Pakistan seeks nuclear weapons capability. An Indian diplomat informed him that Pakistan was two to three years away from nuclear capability.

November 21, 1978

US Embassy Stockholm Cable 4662 to State Department, 'UK Demarche on Pakistani Reprocessing Plant'

Cable from U.S. Embassy in Stockholm debating Swedish responsiveness to U.S. and British demarches on inverters and reprocessing technology. It was an open question whether the Swedes were putting inverters on their trigger list and the U.S. would stay in touch with their British colleagues.
