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July 31, 1974

Memorandum to the Secretary of State from ACDA Director Fred Ikle and Policy Planning Staff Director Winston Lord, 'Analytical Staff Meeting on Non-Proliferation Strategy'

To help Kissinger prepare for a follow-up discussion, ACDA and State Department officials prepared a "Non-Proliferation: Strategy and Action Program” to help guide policy. A key proposal was for “high level political approaches to key exporting countries to enlist their support for safeguarding transfers of nuclear materials.” While Washington had to approach a number of nuclear exporters, consultations with France “constitute the most crucial and urgent step to be taken.”

March 25, 1974

Report, National Security Council Under Secretaries’ Committee, 'Action Plan for Implementing NSDM 235'

An interagency NSC sub-committee was exploring the problem of safeguards for sensitive nuclear exports. The problem was that an existing group, the Zangger Committee based on NPT membership, did not have a broad enough membership or scope to manage the problem and that France did not belong to the Zanggger Committee.. Under Secretaries Committee proposed “talks with other suppliers of technology and equipment in the reprocessing and enrichment fields on desirable new constraints or guidelines that should be followed.”

July 31, 1969

Rajya Sabha Q&A on the French Agreement to Help Build a Nuclear Reactor.

Transcript of questions and answers between the members of the Rajya Sabha and the Minister of Atomic Energy, Shrimati Indira Gandhi, on the specifics of building a new nuclear reactor and French assistance.

May 15, 1969

Rajya Sabha Q&A on Indo-French talks regarding nuclear collaboration.

Transcript of questions and answers between members of the Rajya Sabha and the Minister of Atomic Energy, Shrimati Indira Gandhi, on the New Delhi talks with French Minister of Atomic and Space Research on the peaceful use of atomic energy.

August 24, 1951

Letter from the French Foreign Ministry to the UK Embassy in Paris on the Franco-Indian Reactor Agreement

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports that an agreement has been signed for cooperation between India and France for nuclear research.

June 5, 1951

Secret Letter from Roger Makins to Michael W. Perrin

Roger Makins of the British Foreign Office informs Michael Perrin, Deputy Controller for Atomic Energy, about negotiations between India and the United States and India and France for nuclear cooperation.

January 25, 1952

Letter from John D. Cockcroft to Homi J. Bhabha

John D. Cockcroft, head of the British Atomic Energy Research Establishment, writes to Homi J. Bhabha, Chairman of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission, informing him that the British will not be assisting India with its beryllium experiements since India has already made agreements with the French Atomic Energy project.

October 30, 1951

Letter from UK Embassy in Paris to London on Franco-Indian agreement

British Ambassador Oliver Harvey reports a conversation with the Director of the French Atomic Energy Commission Jules Guéron on the details of Franco-Indian nuclear cooperation.

January 17, 1950

Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission

Joliot-Curie, French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, offers to share technical information with India on the purification of uranium, graphite reprocessing and designs of a low power reactor in exchange for India’s export to France of thorium, beryllium and mineral oil for the manufacture of graphite.

January 16, 1950

Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission

The Indian Atomic Energy Commission meets with the French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy Joliot-Curie to discuss nuclear cooperation between India and France.
