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July 4, 1974

Memorandum from Helmut Sonnenfeldt to Henry Kissinger, 'US-French Military Cooperation'

Sonnenfeldt describes for Secretary Kissinger the state of US-French relations after a schism developed in the wake of the 1973 October War, and what impact this would have on the two countries' nuclear cooperation.

August 3, 1970

Memorandum from Helmut Sonnenfeldt to Henry Kissinger, 'Franco-American Military Relations'

Sonnenfeldt summarizes various recent types of military cooperation between the United States and France. These include cooperation on contingency plans for dealing with Germany and US nuclear assistance to France. He suggests that it is time to define the "political philosophy underlying these disparate measures of cooperation."

October 27, 1962

Robert F. Kennedy, Memorandum for Dean Rusk on Meeting with Anatoly F. Dobrynin

Robert Kennedy relays the results of a meeting with Dobrynin regarding the shooting down of an American plane over Cuba and the presence of long-range missiles there.

May 8, 1961

Department of State Cable 5245 to Embassy United Kingdom, Message from President Kennedy to Prime Minister Macmillan

President Kennedy writes British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan to discuss the implications for NATO and West German security if the US or UK assisted the French nuclear program.


Arms Freeze: Who Is For and Who Is Against

Pamphlet by the Soviet Novosti Press Agency arguing for the U.S. government to accept a mutual proposal to freeze American and Soviet nuclear arms production. Argues that this would lead to an improved political atmosphere and nuclear arms reductions in the future. Translated for publication from the Russian text, "Zamorazhivanie, kto za i kto protiv."


Disarmament: The View from Moscow. Chemical Weapons

Pamphlet published by the Soviet Novosti Press Agency on arms control of chemical weapons. The author discusses chemical weapons arsenals held by the major powers and attempts to ban them, especially through the Geneva Conference on Disarmament.


Disarmament: Who's Against?

Soviet military pamphlet discussing what it sees as the two different approaches to nuclear and conventional arms limitation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Argues that while the Soviet Union works for constructive talks, the U.S. obstructs agreements and uses propaganda rhetoric to disguise its true aggression. Translated for publication from the Russian text, "Razoruzhenie, kto protiv?"


Keep Space Weapon Free

Pamphlet by the Soviet Novosti Press Agency arguing against the deployment of anti-satellite weapons into outer space.


Nuclear Power, Nuclear Weapons: The Deadly Connection

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament pamphlet arguing that nuclear power and weapons are inseparable and this inseparability leads to the constant violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which must be severely strengthened to avoid nuclear war.

December 11, 1953

National Security Council, NSC 174, Draft 'United States Policy Toward The Soviet Satellites In Eastern Europe'

This report by the National Security Council discusses Soviet control over Eastern Europe, barriers to Soviet control of the satellites, and the power threat that consolidation poses to the United States. As a result, the NSC recommends that United States pursue a policy of resistance towards Soviet domination of its Eastern European satellites, and should impose pressure and propaganda to weaken Soviet influence.
