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November 2, 1963

Telegram from Ambassador J.N. Khosla, 'Proposed Non-Aligned Conference' and 'Tito’s Tour of the Americas (Continued)'

Yugoslavia accepted a proposal for a second non-alignment conference, but was "not to keen" on it. Further details of Tito's tours through Bolivia, Mexico and the United States.

February 16, 1967

Telegram from the Indian Embassy in Mexico on Latin American Denuclearization Treaty

This telegram comprehensively evaluates the Latin American Denuclearization Treaty


Visit to the United Kingdom of Bulganin and Khrushchev, 19-27 April 1956

UK record of discussions with a Soviet delegation including Bulganin and Khrushchev.


Korea: Uneasy Truce in the Land of the Morning Calm (New York: American-Korean Friendship and Information Center, 1976)

The AFKIC introduces its mission, the history of Korea, and the current situation on the Peninsula.


North Korean Journey: A View of Workers’ Democracy

Fred Carrier reports on a visit to North Korea made by the AKFIC in June-July 1973.


Operation War Shift: Position Paper, Second (Revised) Edition

A position paper of the American-Korean Friendship and Information Center, describing the organization's objectives in the context of the Vietnam War.

November 24, 1964

Rajya Sabha Debate on Nuclear Prohibition

Debate among members of the Rajya Sabha on attendance to a Chinese hosted Summit Conference on Nuclear Weapons.

September 13, 1995

Aide Memoire, South African Department of Foreign Affairs, Support for South African (Avitronics) Bid for the Supply of Electronic Warfare Equipment to Argentine Air Force

Letter stating that the Department of Foreign Affairs has no political problem with a particular permit being granted.

October 25, 1995

Letter, South African Department of Foreign Affairs, 'Support of the South African Bid for the Supply of Electronic Warfare Equipment to the Argentine Air Force'

Director-General writes to the Secretary for Defence to enquire as to whether the South African tender for an electronic warfare equipment deal has been successful. He suspects that the deal has already been won by Israel.

September 6, 1961

National Security Council Guidance on Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty Broadcasting

Approval of “low key” Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty broadcasts on issues of nuclear warfare [a rare case of NSC-level involvement in broadcast policy]
