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August 20, 1971

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

North and South Korean Red Cross organizations meet to undertake the reunion of separated families. Although the event is a step toward unification, UNCURK is doubtful that the North-South relationship will improve.

July 9, 1971

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

A UN Command officer suggests future ROK and DPRK talks should be conducted directly. The ROK government, anxious to maintain US and UN military presence in ROK, criticizes the statement.

June 4, 1971

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

During a MAC meeting between the UN Command and DPRK, UN Command announces its disassociation with the Major Pak crash-landing incident and ROK's sole involvement on the non-return of Major Pak. The DPRK states that, in the future, they will not return any US military personnel.

May 28, 1971

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

The UN Command and MAC meetings over the return of North Korean pilot Major Pak are heated. The ROK government will not return Pak to North Korea, claiming that he desires to stay in South Korea. UNCURK will no longer play a role in the return or remain of Pak.

May 5, 1971

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

The ROK government decision to only return North Korean pilot Major Pak in exchange for the remaining elevent passengers of the 1969 KAL plane causes dissatisfaction with UNCURK and UN Command.

April 20, 1971

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

UNCURK has unofficially assumed responsibility for the North Korean pilot Major Pak who crash landed in South Korea. If Pak should want to return to North Korea, UNCURK would be acting in its capacity to ease tensions between North and South.

April 2, 1971

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

In the election campaigns, the NDP is focusing on the corruption of the DRP, and the DRP is focusing on continued economic and political stability with Park Chung Hee's third election.

March 12, 1971

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

In connection with the general election, the questions of President Park' Chung Hees electability, unification, and campaign finances are discussed.

August 21, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan, Park Chung Hee's August 15 Address

In a drastic change from previous policy, President Park Chung Hee called for the peaceful reunification of the peninsula. One of the prerequisites would be North Korea's uneqivocal acceptance of the competence and authority of the UN. Some believe that the strength of the ROK economy and SALT program may have prompted Park's change in attitude.

July 31, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

The Park administration continues to urge that a modernization of ROK defense forces needs to take place before US troop withdrawal. In a crisis of confidence, the ROK government fears US abandonment vis-a-vis North Korea.
