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December 15, 1951

The US Consul General at Calcutta (Wilson) to the Department of State, 'Transmitting Report of Indian Mission at Lhasa for Month Ending October 15, 1951'

Report of the Indian Mission in Lhasa for October 1951.

April 23, 1951

The US Consul General at Calcutta (Wilson) to the Department of State, 'Transmitting Two Additional Monthly Reports of Indian Mission at Lhasa, Tibet'

Reports of the Indian Mission in Lhasa for February-March 1951.

March 12, 1951

The US Consul General at Calcutta (Wilson) to the Secretary of State, Tel. 387

A summary of the January 1951 report of the Indian Mission in Lhasa.

March 12, 1951

The US Consul General at Calcutta (Wilson) to the Department of State, 'Transmitting Monthly Report of Indian Mission at Lhasa, Tibet, for Period Ending January 15, 1951'

Report of the Indian Mission in Lhasa from January 1951

September 30, 1944

Letter No. 340 from L.D. Wilgress, Canadian Embassy, Moscow, to the Secretary of State for External Affairs, W.L. Mackenzie King

May 31, 1944

Letter No. 180 from L.D. Wilgress, Canadian Embassy, Moscow, to the Secretary of State for External Affairs, W.L. Mackenzie King

Fu Bingchang (Foo Ping-sheung) relays his views on relations among the Great Powers, Soviet involvement in Xinjiang, and the rifts between the Nationalists and Communists within China.

June 18, 1954

Record of Interview between the Right Hon. R.G. Casey and Mr. Chou En Lai [Zhou Enlai]

Record of conversation in the third person between Australian official R.G. Casey and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai during the Geneva Conference. The report describes their discussion of the situations in Korea and Indochina and China's foreign relations.

June 18, 1954

Record of Conversation between R.G. Casey and Chou En-lai [Zhou Enlai], Geneva, 18th June 1954

Record of conversation in first person by Australian official R.G. Casey during the Geneva Conference 1954. Casey discusses his first meeting with Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and describes Zhou's attitude toward the situation in Korea and Indochina.

November 4, 1973

Prime Minister's Discussions with Premier Zhou Enlai, 31 October-3 November 1973, Summary

Zhou Enlai and E.G. Whitlam discuss Sino-Australian relations, the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, the Indo-Pak conflict, Great Power relations, Taiwan's international status, and other issues.

October 31, 1973

Record of Conversation with Premier Zhou Enlai and Prime Minister E.G. Whitlam

Australian Prime Minister Whitlam offers Zhou Enlai an overview of his country's foreign policy interests. Analyzing the international relations among key nations in East and Southeast Asia.
