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September 24, 1973

Memorandum from Helmut Sonnenfeldt to Henry A. Kissinger, 'Nuclear Cooperation with France -- Gallery-Schlesinger Meeting September 25, 1973'

Overview of Foster’s meeting in France on September 10, and a memorandum of points and observations to be touched upon in the upcoming meeting on the 25th. There are six areas of consultation, with the area of MIRV being the most urgent issue.

July 14, 1970

Memorandum from Melvin R. Laird to Henry A. Kissinger, 'Assistance to the French Ballistic Missile Program'

Summary of John Foster's exploratory talks with the French. They asked for assistance with both their land-based IRBMs and submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

February 18, 1970

Memorandum from Helmut Sonnenfeldt to Henry A. Kissinger, 'French-US Military Relations'

Kissinger briefs the president before his visit with Pompidou stating why the French may want a military alliance, as well as the problems associated with such an alliance due to the French attitude regarding NATO and nuclear forces. He then states the reasons why the U.S. should encourage French entry into the NPG and issues concerning joint targeting with the French. He further discusses issues of French/U.S. and French/British alliances that would be of possible interest of discussion when Pompidou visits the U.S. soon.

March 16, 1970

Memorandum from Henry A. Kissinger to the Secretary of Defense, 'French Requests for Assistance in Connection with their Missile Program'

Memorandum from Kissinger to Laird instructing the latter to draft a memorandum for the President outlining French requests for aid, keeping in mind the President’s desire to improve relations with France.

April 16, 1970

Memorandum from Helmut Sonnenfeldt to Henry A. Kissinger, 'Assistance to the French Ballistic Missile Program'

Sonnenfeldt summarizes a memorandum from Secretary of Defense Laird. He lists the specific information requests the French have made, and expresses concerns about their requests for star-tracker navigation equipment and US contractor support. He recommends an exploratory meeting between John Foster and Jean Blancard, the French Ministerial Delegate for Armaments.

June 30, 1970

Letter from Gerard C. Smith to Henry A. Kissinger

Gerard Smith advises Kissinger against assisting the French weapons program. He warns that this assistance might jeopardize SALT negotiations and also hurt US relations with Germany.
