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July 13, 1957

Telegram, Colonel [Amar] Ouamrane to Lt. John Kennedy, Senator, Washington

On July 2, 1957, US senator John F. Kennedy made his perhaps best-known senatorial speech—on Algeria.

Home to about 8 million Muslims, 1.2 million European settlers, and 130,000 Jews, it was from October 1954 embroiled in what France dubbed “events”—domestic events, to be precise. Virtually all settlers and most metropolitan French saw Algeria as an indivisible part of France. Algeria had been integrated into metropolitan administrative structures in 1847, towards the end of a structurally if not intentionally genocidal pacification campaign; Algeria’s population dropped by half between 1830, when France invaded, and the early 1870s. Eighty years and many political turns later (see e.g. Messali Hadj’s 1927 speech in this collection), in 1954, the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) launched a war for independence. Kennedy did not quite see eye to eye with the FLN.

As Kennedy's speech shows, he did not want France entirely out of North Africa. However, he had criticized French action already in early 1950s Indochina. And in 1957 he met with Abdelkader Chanderli (1915-1993), an unaccredited representative of the FLN at the United Nations in New York and in Washington, DC, and a linchpin of the FLN’s successful international offensive described in Matthew Connelly’s A Diplomatic Revolution: Algeria’s Fight for Independence and the Origins of the Post-Cold War Era (2002). Thus, Kennedy supported the FLN’s demand for independence, which explains its very positive reaction to his speech, evidenced in the telegram sent to Kennedy printed here.

January 31, 1962

Letter from the GPRA Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ‘Confidential Note to the Heads of Missions and Delegations'

Confidential note from Algeria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the heads of Algeria's diplomatic missions and delegations. The note, written in Cairo on January 31, 1962, focuses on the position that African and Asian countries currently hold at the center of a global struggle between colonialists and neo-colonialists. Points out that Algeria's struggle with France remains a focal point of reference for these countries, and that Algeria must clearly define its foreign policies and positions on international issues.

November 8, 1960

Report from the General Secretary, ‘Our Diplomatic Action’

November 8th, 1960 memo explaining the status of Algerian diplomatic relations. Notes that Algeria's current diplomatic position is very strong, and one of its best assets. Warns that France will try to undermine foreign assistance to Algeria in order to isolate the GPRA in French-Algerian negotiations. Concludes by suggesting that Algeria maintain consultation with sympathetic countries before making decisions, to strengthen mutual trust and alliances. Gives a list of governments to consult before making major decisions, including all Arab countries, China, USSR, Vietnam, Guinea, Ghana, and Indonesia.

September 1, 1960

Letter to the GPRA Prime Minister, ‘Mission Summary’

A letter to the Algerian Prime Minister, describing diplomatic meetings in Cairo with ambassadors from China and the Soviet Union. In meeting with Chinese ambassador, discusses China's delivery of supplies and war materials for Algerians, Chinese training of Algerian communications technicians, and economic arrangements between the two countries. In meeting with Soviet ambassador, Algerian ambassador requests a specific list of weapons provided by the USSR from 1956-58, and other general areas of Soviet assistance for the Algerian cause.

January 18, 1962

Note to the GPRA Minister of Foreign Affairs, ‘Mission to Cuba'

Report from Lakhdar Brahimi -- GPRA representative at celebration of Cuban revolution in Havana -- on meeting with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, both of whom express considerable interest in Algerian revolution. Fidel Castro pledges Cuban support, both material and diplomatic, advises Algeria on how to proceed in negotiations with France, and strongly encourages the opening of an Algerian diplomatic mission in Cuba. Brahimi concludes with recommendations on how best to respond to Cuban suggestions and an outline of potential strategic benefits from a diplomatic relationship between two countries.

March 19, 1961

Annex #1 to 'Development of Relations with Socialist Countries since March 19, 1961'

Recommendation that the GPRA closely monitor China's potential admission to the United Nations. Recognizes that the USSR's efforts to get China recognized by the UN, if successful, could lead to the normalization of Chinese-French relations, and withdrawal of Chinese support for Algerian struggle; advises Algeria to quickly create a diplomatic relationship with China to make this withdrawal more difficult.