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June 7, 1984

Information About the State Visit of the General Secretary of the WPK CC and President of the DPRK, Kim Il Sung, to the GDR

A comprehensive overview of North Korean-East German ties as well as North Korea's overall foreign relations in light of a visit to the GDR made by Kim Il Sung.

June 18, 1980

East German Record of a Meeting of Delegation Leaders at the Eleventh Interkit Meeting in Poland

This record of a meeting of the delegation leaders attending the 11th Interkit meeting addresses China's strategy in the area of international relations. The document expresses concern regarding Beijing's policies and calls for unity among the Communist countries. International issues discussed include Soviet-Korean relations, i.e., the Belgrade meeting between Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev and his Korean counterpart Kim Il Sung. Conditions in Albania, Romania, and Yugoslavia, and the positions of these countries within the Communist bloc, are critically assessed. Another topic is the improvement of anti-Maoist propaganda.

November 13, 1967

50th Anniversary of the October Revolution in the DPRK

The East Germany Embassy reports that "relations between DPRK and PRC are also tense and a source of concern for the Korean comrades."

March 16, 1967

Note on a Conversation with the 1st Secretary of the Soviet Embassy, Comrade Zvetkov, on 15 March 1967

A note on Kim Il Sung's concern about the possible impact of "Cultural Revolution" in China on North Korea and his stance on the Sino-Soviet debate.

November 4, 1974

Conversation with Comrade Pimenov, Counselor at USSR Embassy, on 29 October 1974

Summary of the meeting addressing the invitation extended by the Soviet Union to Kim Il Sung and the relationship between the DPRK and South Korea.

April 29, 1975

On the Visit of a DPRK Party and Government Delegation Headed by Kim Il Sung to the PR China from 18 to 26 April 1975

Report of the visit by DPRK officials to the PRC. This summary addresses the PRC’s and the DPRK’s relations with each other and their individual policies towards South Korea, it examines the issue of reunification and touches on the Sino-Soviet competition.

August 30, 1960

Note about a Conversation in the Soviet Embassy with Comrade Puzanov

The ambassadors of the Soviet Union and East Germany in North Korea discuss Kim Il Sung's visits to China and the Soviet Union, the personality cult in North Korea, the economic situation in North Korea, and North Korea's policy towards South Korea.

December 22, 1967

Letter from GDR Embassy in the DPRK to State Secretary Hegen

The German Ambassador in the DPRK discusses domestic and foreign policy developments within the DPRK, including the cult of personality of Kim Il Sung and North Korea's relationship with China.