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December 18, 1972

Analysis of Romanian-Chinese Relations by the East German Embassy in Bucharest

This analysis examines the intensification of Romanian-Chinese relations after 1971. The document explains why relations between Romania and China can pose problems. It discusses similarities between China's and Romania's domestic and foreign policies and relates these similarities to the nationalist course of the Romanian Communist Party. Romania supposedly sees a role for China within the UN as a counterbalance to the Soviet Union. The author disagrees with the Romanian position regarding German reunification and a European conference on security and cooperation.

November 27, 1972

Report by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on Talks Between Zhou Enlai and Walter Scheel

These statements by the Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) concern talks between Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and West German Foreign Minister Walter Scheel. The CC assesses the improvement of relations between China and West Germany as adverse to the interests of East Germany and of Socialism. China is criticized for not supporting the idea of a European conference on security and cooperation and for sustaining the role of organizations such as the European Economic Community and NATO. The CC expresses disagreement with China's abstention from the disarmament process and with its position within the UN.

October 26, 1972

Draft of a Planned East German Demarche, to be Read to the Chinese Ambassador, Against Chinese Statements on the Occasion of the Establishment of Chinese-West German Diplomatic Relations and Walter Scheel's Visit

This document is a demarche to be delivered to the Chinese ambassador in East Berlin on the occasion of China's establishment of diplomatic relations between West Germany and the People's Republic of China (PRC). The demarche says the West German government is pursuing a revisionist policy and does not accept the post-war separation of Germany. It assesses the role of Bonn in international relations as detrimental to the entire Socialist camp and regards the visit of West German Foreign Minister Walter Scheel to Beijing, as well as diplomatic relations between China and West Germany, as damaging the interests of East Germany. The author asks China to reconsider this policy, with reference to East Berlin's support for the PRC's territorial claims to Taiwan/Formosa.

According to a marginal note, the demarche was never delivered.

June 15, 1979

Memorandum of the meeting between Erich Honecker and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Israel, Meir Vilner

The conversation starts with Honecker's report on the political and economic situation in the GDR. Meir Vilner informs Honecker about current events in Israel, especially about the position the Communist Party takes toward Zionism, and about his opinion on some foreign policy issues, namely relations with China and Romania and the Middle East peace process.

May 19, 1965

Note about North Korean Internal Affairs

A description of the Korean Workers' Party involvement in economic and company affairs.
