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June 7, 1984

Information About the State Visit of the General Secretary of the WPK CC and President of the DPRK, Kim Il Sung, to the GDR

A comprehensive overview of North Korean-East German ties as well as North Korea's overall foreign relations in light of a visit to the GDR made by Kim Il Sung.

December 23, 1985

On the Current Situation in the DPRK

North Korea is said to have started acknowledging the World War II and Korean War-era assistance of the USSR and China once again. Some Western literature is now available in the DPRK. And a flurry of construction projects have begun outside of Pyongyang.

June 18, 1980

East German Record of a Meeting of Delegation Leaders at the Eleventh Interkit Meeting in Poland

This record of a meeting of the delegation leaders attending the 11th Interkit meeting addresses China's strategy in the area of international relations. The document expresses concern regarding Beijing's policies and calls for unity among the Communist countries. International issues discussed include Soviet-Korean relations, i.e., the Belgrade meeting between Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev and his Korean counterpart Kim Il Sung. Conditions in Albania, Romania, and Yugoslavia, and the positions of these countries within the Communist bloc, are critically assessed. Another topic is the improvement of anti-Maoist propaganda.

February 2, 1968

Memorandum on an Information of 1 February 1968

The East German Embassy in Pyongyang reports that North Korea, fearful of counter attacks in the wake of seizing the USS Pueblo, is on a state of alert.

January 14, 1975

Note from GDR Embassy in Pyongyang to Comrade Liebermann

Everhartz summarizes remarks made by the Soviet Ambassador Gleb Aleksandrovich on Sino-DPRK relations and what the USSR ought to do to further their interests in North Korea.

February 1, 1973

Theses On the Present State of Relations between DPRK and PRC

A report on Chinese foreign policy toward North Korea and Beijing's efforts to push North Korea toward an anti-Soviet line.

July 16, 1973

On the Visit of a PRP Party and Parliamentary Delegation to the DPRK

The East German Embassy in Warsaw reports on the improvement in relations between North Korea and China after the Cultural Revolution.

September 13, 1973

Note On a Meeting in the Embassy of Czechoslovakia on 5 September 1973

This document covers the issue of North Korea's policy of balancing between China and Soviet Union.

October 22, 1973

Note on Conversation with Comrade Denisov, Counselor at USSR Embassy, on 12 October 1973 in the GDR Embassy

A note on conversation covering North Korea's unification policy, a change of Kim Il Sung's personal adviser, the relationship between North Korea and Syria, and the importation of grains from Soviet Union.

January 28, 1975

Note On a Conversation with USSR Embassy Counselor Comrade Pimenov on 24 January 1975 in the Soviet Embassy

A note summarizing a conversation on the coverage of the People's Congress in China by "Rodong Sinmun" and a planned trip of Kim Il Sung to the Soviet Union.
