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September 25, 1971

Factor Analysis Concerning the State of Preparation for a European Security Conference

A description and analysis of the United States' position on the European Security Conference as perceived by the GDR Ministry of Foreign Affairs

October 18, 1972

About Some Current Questions Concerning the Multilateral Preparations for the European Security Conference

An update on the progress of the pre-CSCE agenda negotiations

November 22, 1972

Notes about a Conversation with the USSR's Ambassador, Comrade Malzev, on 22 November 1972

Memorandum of Conversation between East German officials and the Soviet ambassador to Finland on the subject of the seating arrangements and participant designations for the upcoming CSCE conference

July 23, 1973

Report for Minister Winzer's Office: The Course and the Results of the first phase of the European Security Conference, 23 July 1973

An East German analysis of the first phase of the CSCE conference.

December 31, 1954

Report on the Specialists returning from the Soviet Union

Report on the return of German scientists from the Soviet Union. The report informs the SED leadership which of the German scientists desire to return to the West and which will stay in the East. The report also discusses the political atitudes of the scientists. It makes suggestions as to ways to secure their cooperation with the East German government.

June 15, 1979

Memorandum of the meeting between Erich Honecker and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Israel, Meir Vilner

The conversation starts with Honecker's report on the political and economic situation in the GDR. Meir Vilner informs Honecker about current events in Israel, especially about the position the Communist Party takes toward Zionism, and about his opinion on some foreign policy issues, namely relations with China and Romania and the Middle East peace process.

December 18, 1974

Notes on a Conversation with the Head of the FRG's Delegation, Dr. Blech, During Lunch on 18 December 1974

A memorandum of a conversation between Klaus Blech and Siegfried Bock, regarding the recognition of frontiers component of the CSCE negotiations.

November 11, 1989

From the minutes of the joint special session of the Executive Committee of the SPD and the Steering Committee of the SPD faction

Willy Brandt's observations on the joint special session of the Executive Committee of the SPD and the Steering Committee of the SPD faction. Brandt discusses the November 9 opening of the border between East and West Germany.

December 23, 1968

Note about a Conversation between Comrade Herrmann and Comrade Putivez, 2nd Secretary of the USSR Embassy, on 9 December 1968 in the USSR Embassy

Hermann questioned Putiwtz on North Korea's foreign policy, including its relations with other socialist countries, Pakistan, and capitalist coutries while Putiwitz discussed economic cooperation and political relations between the Soviet Union and North Korea.

August 15, 1956

Ministry for State Security, Main Department II, ‘Egypt’

The economic relations between the GDR and the Republic of Egypt are presented, starting with the trade agreement signed on May 7, 1953, and the exchange of consular representation. Political relations between the countries were hindered, according to the report, by pressure from the FRG on Egypt and the question of whether recognizing the GDR meant creating a deeper split between the FRG and the GDR. The report also mentions problems in meeting the export and import plans set forth in the trade agreement, including unpunctuality on the side of the GDR’s trade missions. The report states that Nasser enjoys great popularity in his country as a result of his position towards the West, social politics within the country, cooperation with other Arab countries and improvements in the industrial sector. This is followed by a detailed description of Egypt’s political situation and a proposition to extend political and economic cooperation while trying to reduce the influence of the West. Finally, the report recommends continued rejection of Israel's demands for compensation.
