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November 24, 1989

Information by the East German Office of National Security on the Austrian Assessment of the Situation in the GDR and the Development of Austrian–East German Relations, Berlin (East)

The document recounts the discussion between party officials from Austria's People's Party and Socialist Party in regards to changing developments in East and West Germany. Based on historical, political, and economic precedent, the overwhelming sentiment is against reunification. However, due to the rapidness of political events in the GDR the Socialist Party had yet to decide how to react. The parties then outline a plan to establish connections from both East and West German leadership as well as resistance movements in Hungary, Poland, and Yugoslavia.

October 12, 1989

Assessment Paper by the Austrian Foreign Ministry, '[Excerpt] Eastern Europe; General Assessment'

The Assessment Paper outlines new change is Eastern Europe, mostly surrounding political and economic diversification, following Gorabachev's leadership in the USSR. The report then evaluates the GDR's economy, emigration, and anticipated political changes in light of the new geopolitical climate.

June 10, 1989

Secret Instructions by State Security (MfS) Chief Erich Mielke to Heads of all State Security Units

In response to Western reports about the Tiananmen Square protests, Chief Erich Mielke alerts State Security to suppress all offensive anti-Chinese activity and propaganda in the GDR.

September 26, 1987

Stasi Note on Meeting Between Minister Mielke and Head of the KGB 5th Directorate Abramov

Meeting between the head of the KGB’s Fifth Chief Directorate, Major General Abramov, and Minister for State Security Mielke, especially on changes in Soviet policy following Mikhail Gorbachev’s accession to power. They discuss the increase in dissident activity, public demonstrations, and subversive organizations.

July 8, 1953

Otto Grotewohl's Handwritten Notes on the SED CC Politburo Meeting

In this meeting on July 8 1953 SED Politburo discussed changes in the internal structure of the party organization.

May 26, 1986

Report on Conversation between Prof. Manfred Gerlach and Kim Il Sung

Report on the warm reception of Professor Manfred Gerlach by Kim Il Sung. Topics discussed include gratitude for Kim's reception in the GDR; Kim's desire for a reciprocal visit by Honecker; the need to further wide relations between the DPRK and GDR; and the unrest in South Korea.

July 19, 1988

Report on Visit of East German Military Delegation to North Korea

Report on the visit of a GDR military delegation to North Korea. A conversation with Kim Il Sung is detailed and it is noted that the visit, culminating in an agreement on cooperation between ministries of defense, was a complete success