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April 5, 1988

Addition to the Information about the Status of the Operation Ethiopia (4 April 1988, 22:00 Hours)

Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski updates Günter Mittag on the status of the shipping arms and ammunition to Ethiopia. 

April 4, 1988

Information about the Status of the Operation Ethiopia (4 April 1988, 22:00 Hours)

Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski updates Egon Krenz on the status of the shipping arms and ammunition to Ethiopia.

April 1, 1988

Information about the Status of the Operation Ethiopia (1 April 1988, 14:00 Hours)

Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski updates Egon Krenz on the status of the shipping arms and ammunition to Ethiopia.

March 30, 1988

Information about the Status of the Operation Ethiopia (30 March 1988, 15:00 Hours)

A report indicating that the first shipment of GDR military aid has departed for Ethiopia.

March 1988

Appendix [on GDR Military Aid to Ethiopia]

An East German document outlining planned military aid for Ethiopia.

December 14, 1976

Helmut Peters, 'Note about a Talk in the Department for International Relations of the Central Committee of the CPSU on 13 December 1976'

GDR and Soviet officials discuss possible trajectories for China following the death of Mao..

February 10, 1966

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Information Department, 'Some Aspects of Israel's Foreign Policy and the GDR's Position Toward Israel"

A detailed analysis of Israel's founding and the history of East German foreign policy toward Israel and the Arab states. Vehemently attacking Israel, and emphasizing the close relations between West Germany and Israel, was considered essential to capture the interest of Arab audiences, steering them towards closer relations with the GDR.

July 9, 1967

Memorandum of Conversation between Dr. Gerhard Weiss and Gamal Abdel Nasser

Weiss and Nasser discuss the events of the 1967 Arab-Israeli or Six-Day War.

June 18, 1953

Report, Anton Plenikowski, 'Events in the Apparatus of the Local Government Agencies'

Plenikowski reports on municipal councils and local officials who participated in the uprising.

April 1, 1952

Meetings with Wilhelm Pieck, Walter Ulbricht, Otto Grotewobl, Fred Oelsner, and Stalin

Stalin and a delegation of German officials discuss aspects of German economic and military needs, in order to discuss how the Soviet Union can assist them.
