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September 14, 1992

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Rabin on Monday, 14 September 1992

Kohl and Rabin discuss the situation in the Near and Middle East and the changed in Syria's position toward Israel after the demise of the Soviet Union. Rabin expresses concern about the continued arms race in the region and Syria's purchases of Scud missiles from Russia and Slovakia. He also reiterates Iraq's continued capability to go nuclear within 5 to 6 years despite international arms control inspections. Last but not least, Kohl and Rabin discuss the situation in Iran and Kohl's contacts with President Rafsandjani.

October 1973

Draft Letter from Wlli Stoph to the President of the Syrian Arab Republic Hafez al-Assad

Stoph writes to Hafez al-Assad condemning the 'aggression' of Israel against Syria. Stoph expresses his respect for the Syrian people and their endurance.

June 15, 1979

Memorandum of the meeting between Erich Honecker and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Israel, Meir Vilner

The conversation starts with Honecker's report on the political and economic situation in the GDR. Meir Vilner informs Honecker about current events in Israel, especially about the position the Communist Party takes toward Zionism, and about his opinion on some foreign policy issues, namely relations with China and Romania and the Middle East peace process.

March 9, 1982

Conversation between Erich Honecker and Yasser Arafat (Excerpt)

This is an excerpt of a conversation which appears in full at BA-SAPMO J IV 2/201/1416. The conversation opens with the issue of French-Israeli relations. France plans to deliver a nuclear reactor to Israel to the opposition of the Arab world. Also mentioned are the deliveries of arms from the GDR to the PLO. Arafat reports on the use of chemical weapons by Israel in Lebanon. These weapons were reportedly delivered by the FRG. Israel also seems to use biological weapons. Final topics of discussion are the role of the Pope in Poland, the question of Jerusalem, and the Islamic movement in Afghanistan.

October 1969

Letter, Walter Ulbricht to the General Secretary of the CPSU, Comrade Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev

Ulbricht expresses his consent for the measures proposed by the Soviet leadership. He underlines the demand for an Israeli withdrawal and points out that otherwise it would be necessary to lead a war of attrition against the Israeli occupation forces. The participation of volunteers from the socialist countries would be necessary, but would require further consideration.

October 11, 1973

Letter from [Syrian President] Hafez al-Assad to [Chairman of the State Council of the GDR] Willi Stoph

Hafez al-Assad tells Stoph about the escalation of the war and about Israeli bombardment of civilian facilities and houses.

March 30, 1980

From an interview with the President of the SI, Brandt, for the French newspaper Le Nouvel Observateur
30 March 1980

Willy Brandt's interview for the French newspaper on Camp David and recognition of the new Jewish state.

September 15, 1988

Note of a Meeting between the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the SED and Chairman, Comrade Erich Honecker, and the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO, Yasser Arafat, on 15 September 1988

Arafat reports that the First Intifada, which began ten months earlier, has strengthened the PLO. He describes the PLO’s plans going forward and their anticipated impact on Israel. Honecker expresses East Germany’s steadfast support for the PLO and talks about potential progress towards peace on the international stage.

October 1973

Letter from Syrian President Hafez al-Assad to GDR State Council Chairman Willi Stoph

Undated letter from Syrian President Hafez al-Assad to GDR State Council Chairman Willi Stoph requesting support in conflict with Israel

October 1973

Draft letter from Willi Stoph to Syrian President Hafez al-Assad in response to al-Assad's 6 and 10 October 1973 letters to Stoph

Draft letter from Willi Stoph to Syrian President Hafez al-Assad condemning Israel's aggression against Syria.
