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January 12, 1972

Note about a Meeting of Foreign Minister Otto Winzer with the Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi

Minutes of a meeting between East German Foreign Minister Otto Winzer and Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The two begin by discussing the national liberation of Bangladesh, which both countries express mutual support for. They then discuss India-Pakistan hostility, and blame Western countries for trying to keep the two states separate, and express hope for peace between India and Pakistan. Winzer then pushes for Indira Gandhi to normalize relations with East Germany. Gandhi gives a non-committal response, and the report concludes by speculating that Indira Gandhi has not yet decided to normalize relations, noting that some of her advisors will wait on the opinions of the FRG before moving on GDR.

January 3, 1972

Note About the Main Points of a Statement by the Acting Ambassador of the USSR Embassy in the GDR, Comrade Gorinovich, to the GDR Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Comrade Oskar Fischer

Report discussing conflicts on the Indian subcontinent, and the Soviet Union policy toward these conflicts. Report is critical of Pakistan's aggression, especially in East Pakistan. Discusses Soviet Union warnings against Pakistan aggression, and subsequent steps taken in the international community to curb this aggression (and responses by US, China, and other states). Concludes by touching on the newly formed state of Bangladesh.

June 11, 1971

Telex (coded) No. 2941: Visit by the Indian Foreign Minister to Bonn

Speaking with the West German Foreign Minister, Minister Swaran Singh thanked him for German assistance in dealing with refugees from East Pakistan while highlighting the threat of radicalization and Vietnamization if a long-term political solution is not found. India asked West Germany to apply pressure on Pakistan to stop the refugee stream, but Germany stressed that achieving a reasonable political solution is an internal Pakistani matter, though he pledged to discuss the issue in an upcoming meeting with President Nixon.