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January 26, 1977

Note about the Meeting with Comrade Kulik, Division Head in the CPSU CC Department, on Preparation for the Ninth Interkit and the Situation in China on 26 January 1977

Reviews the first draft of a Soviet report on "China on the Eve of Mao Zedong’s Death," which was to be handed out as joint CPSU-SED material to participants of the Ninth Interkit meeting

July 14, 1976

Consultation with Comrade O. B. Rakhmanin, Candidate of the CPSU CC and First Deputy Head of the International Department of CC, to Prepare the Ninth Interkit Meeting on 9 July 1976 in Moscow

This consultation on preparations for the 9th Internal China (Interkit) Meeting in Berlin. Notes the growing anti-Sovietism in China, as well as a possible rebirth of capitalism there.

May 1973

East German Report on the Sixth Interkit Meeting in Moscow, May 1973

Report on the sixth meeting of Interkit, held in Moscow in May 1973. Summarizes the group's analysis of the current domestic situation in China and its foreign policy, as well as making predictions about potential developments in China in the near future.

June 1980

East German Report on the Eleventh Interkit Meeting in Poland, June 1980

Report from the East German representatives on the 11th Interkit meeting held in Poland. This was the first meeting attended by the Vietnamese.

February 27, 1973

Note on the Meeting with CPSU Politburo Candidate and CC Secretary, Comrade B. N. Ponomarev

A Russian view of Chinese Anti-Soviet attitudes and potential problems as a result of such views developing there.
