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November 7, 1989

Minutes No. 49 of the Meeting of the SED Politburo

Minutes No. 49 of the Meeting of the SED Politburo concerning situation regarding GDR citizens leaving the country. The Politburo decides a new travel law will be developed in order to placate some of the popular demands.

November 7, 1989

Memorandum of Conversation between Comrade Oskar Fischer and the Soviet Ambassador V[yacheslav] I. Kochemassov at 11:45 a.m.

Memorandum of Conversation between Comrade Oskar Fischer and the Soviet Ambassador V[yacheslav] I. Kochemassov discussing measures to be taken to prevent the permanent exit of GDR citizens via the CSSR

November 9, 1989

Transcript of the Tenth Session of the SED Central Committee from 3:47 - 3:55 p.m.

Transcript of the Tenth Session of the SED Central Committee regarding the issue of new temporary travel regulations.

November 10, 1989

Verbal Message from Mikhail Gorbachev to Helmut Kohl

Verbal message from Mikhail Gorbachev to Helmut Kohl regarding the GDR’s decision to allow unrestricted travel to the FRG

May 30, 1984

Stenographic Record of Conversation between Erich Honecker and Kim Il Sung

Stenographic record of the first meeting between Kim Il Sung and Erich Honecker upon the former's 1984 official visit to the GDR. This is the morning session of 30 May 1984. Kim does most of the talking. Kim Il Sung discussed the economic situation in North Korea, objectives and problems of energy generation, the educational system. He asked the GDR for labor and cooperation in the education of specialists. He wanted to sign a long-term agreement of economic cooperation along with the intended friendship treaty. Kim Il Sung also evaluated the military situation in South Korea, explaining the problems of negotiations and reunification with the South. Honecker proposed the creation of an agreement towards economic and scientific cooperation between GDR and North Korea.

May 31, 1984

Memorandum of Conversation between Erich Honecker and Kim Il Sung

Summary of the conversation between Erich Honecker and Kim Il Sung on 31 May 1984. This is a continuation of the talks suspended on 30 May due to time constraints. Discussion of internal and foreign affairs of East Germany and North Korea, especially concerning relations with China and the Soviet Union.

June 1, 1984

Memorandum of Conversation between Erich Honecker and Kim Il Sung

Summary of the conversation between Erich Honecker and Kim Il Sung on 1 June 1984. Conversation concerning economic cooperation between North Korea and East Germany, and the expansion of relations to include African countries.

May 26, 1986

Report on Conversation between Prof. Manfred Gerlach and Kim Il Sung

Report on the warm reception of Professor Manfred Gerlach by Kim Il Sung. Topics discussed include gratitude for Kim's reception in the GDR; Kim's desire for a reciprocal visit by Honecker; the need to further wide relations between the DPRK and GDR; and the unrest in South Korea.

May 16, 1988

Report on a Trip to the DPRK by a Delegation from the GDR

Report to the GDR Politburo on a trip to China, Mongolia and North Korea, by a member of the delegation, Günter Schabowski.

July 19, 1988

Report on Visit of East German Military Delegation to North Korea

Report on the visit of a GDR military delegation to North Korea. A conversation with Kim Il Sung is detailed and it is noted that the visit, culminating in an agreement on cooperation between ministries of defense, was a complete success
