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February 1, 1968

Note on a Conversation with the 1st Secretary of the CSSR Embassy, Comrade Horshenevski, on 30 January 1968 between 15:00 and 15:40 hours

German and Czechoslovak diplomats exchange information on negotiations in Panmunjeom for the release of the USS Pueblo crew.

July 29, 1968

Note on the Farewell Visit of the Polish Ambassador to the DPRK, Comrade Naperei, with Comrade Jarck on 26 July 1968 between 11:00 and 12:30 hours

The German and Polish ambassadors in North Korea review clashes along the DMZ, the capture of the USS Pueblo, and the connections between Prague Spring and events in Korea.

January 28, 1975

Note On a Conversation with USSR Embassy Counselor Comrade Pimenov on 24 January 1975 in the Soviet Embassy

A note summarizing a conversation on the coverage of the People's Congress in China by "Rodong Sinmun" and a planned trip of Kim Il Sung to the Soviet Union.

June 26, 1967

Excerpt from Information Report Embassy Bucharest of 26 June 1967

East German diplomats report on U.S. foreign policy in South Korea, and allege that China wishes to overthrow Kim Il Sung.

March 28, 1973

Note On a Conversation with Comrade Kurbatov, 1st Secretary of the USSR Embassy, on 26 March 1973 in the USSR Embassy

A note on PRC-DPRK relations, especially regarding the issues of Korean unification, China-North Korea border issues, and the withdrawal of U.S. troops.

March 31, 1984

KGB Report on New Elements in US Policy toward the European Socialist Countries

Information from the KGB shared with the Stasi about a high-level review of US policy by the Department of State. Presidential Directive [NS-NSDD] 54 from [September] 1982 made the main US objective to subvert Soviet influence in Eastern Europe.

November 7, 1962

Report from the Swiss Ambassador to Cuba (Stadelhofer) to the Division of Political Affairs, Swiss Foreign Ministry, About the Transfer of the Remains of Major Anderson

The Swiss Ambassador to Cuba (Stadelhofer) describes the difficulties he has faced in overcoming the misunderstandings between the Cuban, U.S. and Swiss governments in attempting to return the coffin and remains of Major Anderson.

October 30, 1962

Cable from Swiss observer at the United Nations (Thalmann)

A telegram from the Swiss observer to the United Nations (Thalmann) about recent actions - the negotiation of ICRC participation in Cuba, the removal of the quarantine and the Soviet Union has declared that it would be willing to let representatives of the ICRC inspect its ships bound for Cuba.

October 25, 1962

Political Letter from Ambassador Max Troendle to Secretary General Pierre Micheli

A political letter from Ambassador Max Troendle to Secretary General Pierre Micheli describing aspects of the Soviet position on the Cuban crisis and how "It seems that on Cuba, the Soviets want to avoid meeting the American challenge, that they want to negotiate, talk, and not to face a showdown."

October 27, 1962

Telegram from Swiss Foreign Ministry to Swiss Embassy in Havana (Stadelhofer)

The Swiss Foreign Ministry in Berne and the Swiss Embassy, Havana (Stadelhofer) discuss Cuba's actions in regards to negotiations in the Organization of American States (OAS). He says, "In this superpower confrontation, Cuba has more and more lost its right of self-determination."
