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October 17, 1978

Soviet communication to the Hungarian leadership on the situation in Afghanistan

This document discusses Hungary’s role in Afghanistan in terms of solidarity between the USSR and Afghanistan, and the impact of divisions within Afghan's political parties.

March 28, 1979

Soviet Communication to the Hungarian Leadership on the Situation in Afghanistan

This document discusses the strained political situation in Afghanistan in terms of counter-revolutionaries attempting to overthrow the government. Such revolutions in part came from reactionary Muslim regions, some of which are replete with Shiites who may have been influence by the Chinese government.

December 28, 1979

Soviet Communication to the Hungarian Leadership on the Events in Afghanistan

This document provides an overview of the Soviets concern regarding instability in Afghanistan. Such an unstable state of affairs was the basis for Soviet invasion into Afghanistan; Hungary's support is requested.

January 23, 1980

Report on the talks of Gyula Horn, representative of the HSWP CC Foreign Department in The United States and Canada

This document provides a summary of the main points covered in a meeting of Hungary, the United States, and Canada. The US expresses concern about the Soviet's offensive in Afghanistan, how it may lead to a preponderance of Soviet power in the region. The US contends it needs to maintain its influence in the Middle East-despite additional Soviet influence-as it is important for raw materials.
